History of the Institute dates back to 1934 when professor Janusz Groszkowski established the State Institute of Telecommunications, in the head of which he remained until 1951. In 1939 the Institute employed 350 persons, including 200 persons of engineering & technical staff. The Institute consisted of the following sections: Teletechnics - dealing with telephone sets, Trunk Lines Control, Multiple Line Telephony, Telegraphy, Amplifiers, Payphones, Measurements, Standardization, and later Trunk Cables and Networks.
In 1951 the State Institute of Telecommunications was divided into the Industrial Institute of Telecommunications and the National Institute of Telecommunications (Instytut Łączności). The latter initially employed less than one hundred persons and on the date of its foundation, consisted of the following scientific & research departments:
- Copper Wire Teletransmission,
- Switching Technology,
- Radiocommunication,
- Power Supply Devices and Metrology.
In 1955 a construction of a new seat in Miedzeszyn began (at 1 Szachowa Street). The Institute was moved there in 1958, and since then it has remained in that location. In the period 1952-1956 took place a quick development of the Institute. New departments were established. They were dealing with the issues of electro-acoustics, wire broadcasting, telegraphy, microwave communication, wave propagation, telecommunication buildings and technology and organization of post. Together with progresses in the field of telecommunications and emerging new needs, subsequent departments, research groups and local branches were being founded. The Branch of the National Institute of Telecommunications in Wrocław, then specializing mainly in the issues of transmitting antennas and radio noises, was established in 1956. The Branch of the National Institute of Telecommunications in Gdańsk, working on the issues of radio communications, telegraphy, wire transmission, switching technology and acoustics, was created in 1962. The Prototypes Department in Warsaw was founded in 1954. Its task was to perform construction & workshop works as well as models and short batches of devices. Those activities were extended through a foundation in 1974 the Branch of the National Institute of Telecommunications in Pułtusk, specializing in a limited batch production of telecommunication devices (closed in 1999). Finally, in 1987 the Branch at Służewiec (part of Warsaw, closed in 1992) dealing with data transmission and telecommunication software was opened. Branches were developing quickly and thanks to their skilled staff conducted interesting research and construction works.
An important role in development of the Institute and its scientific staff was played by the Scientific Council existing since 1954. Outstanding scientists and experts had a seat in the council. In 1967 it obtained authorizations to grant doctor's degrees, propose and evaluate candidates for docents' posts and for professors' academic titles. Exercising its rights the Council granted academic degrees of doctors of technical sciences in telecommunications to over nearly 40.
In 70's and 80's the Institute played crucial role in telecommunications development in Poland, being the coordinator and main contractor of national R&D programs in telecommunications. That time in the Institute up to 1200 persons were employed.
After political and economic changes having taken place in 1989 the Institute quickly adapted to new conditions. In 1991 new principles for financing of science were introduced in Poland and currently the Institute acquires a significant part of necessary funding from its market operations, thus supplementing funding from performance of statutory works financed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education or works assigned by other government organizations.
That times at the beginning the Institute was elaborating a good many of homologation tests, later on, and up to now, accredited laboratories of the Institute are issuing a lot of certificates of testing and calibration, having strong position on this market.
Simultaneously the Institute realized important works for state and local administration. As an example can serve multiyear project entitled “Development of telecommunications and post in the days of information society”.
In recent years the Institute was engaged strongly in large scientific projects commonly realized in national and international consortia.