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Debate on the occasion of the Year of Three Polish Generals (Anders, Maczek, Sosabowski)


On November 10th, the Polish Delegation to NATO together with the Polish Institute in Brussels and the Polish Military Representation to Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) as well as the War Studies University in Warsaw organized a debate on the current security situation on NATO’s Eastern flank in relation to the war in Ukraine. The event was held at SHAPE, Mons.

Debate on the occasion of the Year of Three Polish Generals_SHAPE 10.11.2022

Introductory remarks were delivered by Lt. Gen. Sławomir Wojciechowski, Polish Military Representative to NATO and EU Military Committees. He pointed out military achievements of Generals Stanislaw Maczek, Stanislaw Sosabowski and Wladyslaw Anders, the struggle for an independent Poland during the Polish-Bolshevik war and their contribution to the liberation of Europe from the German occupation during World War II.

Other speakers included Wojciech Konończuk, Deputy Director of the Centre for Easter Studies and Col. Tadeusz Zieliński, Deputy Rector of the War Studies University in Warsaw. The event was moderated by Bruno Lété from the German Marshall Fund of the United States.

The seminar was attended by representatives of national delegations to SHAPE.

On the margins of the event we presented the exhibit on the Three Polish Generals, put together and produced by the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in London.


Polish Permanent Delegation to NATO

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