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Head of the Polish Foreign Service Arkady Rzegocki visited NATO Headquarters


On October 27, 2022, the Head of the Foreign Service Arkady Rzegocki met with representatives of the NATO International Secretariat responsible for human resources, training and fight against disinformation.

Minister Arkady Rzegocki visiting NATO HQ_10.2022
In talks with Ms. Nathalie Matthijs, NATO Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Human Resources and Ms. Carmen Romero, NATO Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Public Diplomacy, Min. Rzegocki pointed to the need to intensify the training of diplomatic services in counteracting disinformation and other aspects of hybrid threats. He informed NATO partners about programs in this field conducted by the Polish Diplomatic Academy and expressed hope for intensification of training cooperation with NATO structures in this area. The Head of the Foreign Service also pointed out that Polish experts in the field of broadly understood security policy may constitute a significant substantive reinforcement of civilian staff in NATO structures.
Permanent Delegation of the Republic of Poland to NATO

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