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Minister Jacek Czaputowicz at the meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers


“The transatlantic ties are key to NATO’s credibility and strength. At the same time, we should develop the European defence capabilities, because we agree that the European allies can contribute to collective security in a better way,” said Minister Czaputowicz at a meeting of NATO’s ministers of foreign affairs.

Family Foto, Spotkanie ministrów spraw zagranicznych krajów NATO, Bruksela, 20 listopada 2019

The meeting in Brussels focused on the preparations for the December summit of NATO leaders and the security assessment of the Euro-Atlantic area. During talks devoted to the preparations to the NATO meeting of heads of state and government, set to take place on 3-4 December 2019 in London, Minister Czaputowicz emphasised that the London leaders’ meeting should be a factual summary of the year marking the 70th anniversary of the establishment of NATO.  “This event should highlight the unity and solidarity of the allies. The credibility and strength of the Alliance is confirmed by NATO’s political and military transformation launched in 2014 in response to the deteriorating international security environment,” stressed Minister Jacek Czaputowicz. 

During the ministerial session, the chiefs of diplomacy of the NATO member states adopted a number of documents summarising the NATO’s adaptation efforts made so far. “NATO is undergoing major transformation in response to the changing security environment. Today, we need to implement the decisions made at the summits in Wales, Warsaw and Brussels,” noted Minister Czaputowicz.

The second part of the meeting was devoted to the future of transatlantic security, arms control, non-proliferation, NATO’s policy towards Russia, and the growing role of China. Minister Czaputowicz stressed that NATO has to remain united and consistently adapt its military capabilities to the negative changes in the international security environment. He also presented Poland’s position on the unconstructive stance of Russia as key element impacting security in the region. He further noted that the developments near borders of the Alliance confirm that the decisions to strengthen NATO’s eastern flank were right. The cooperation within the Alliance, the guarantees under Article 5, as well as the political and military involvement of the US on our continent are a foundation of Polish and European security,” he concluded.

While in Brussels, Minister Czaputowicz met with his Romanian counterpart Bogdan Aurescu. The ministers discussed NATO’s current agenda and the upcoming North Atlantic Alliance leaders’ summit in London, and the bilateral cooperation in the area of security, as well as under the Polish-Romanian-Turkish trilogue. The officials also talked about the centenary of Polish-Romanian diplomatic relations and the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the strategic dialogue. 

Minister Czaputowicz also met with the chief of diplomacy of North Macedonia Nikola Dimitrov, with whom he discussed the prospects of North Macedonia joining the EU.

MFA Press Office

Fot.: Tymon Markowski/MSZ
