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NATO Defense Ministers on the fight against coronavirus


- Currently our most urgent challenge is the COVID-19 pandemic. NATO's activity in this area is an opportunity to highlight the coherence and value of transatlantic ties. It is very encouraging that the number of examples of assistance among allies is increasing - said Mariusz Błaszczak, the Minister of National Defence during a video conference of NATO Defence Ministers.

Minister of Defense M. Błaszczak during NATO DefMin_April 2020

The outbreak of the coronavirus, its effects on the community of NATO countries, its impact on security, and joint initiatives to counteract the pandemic were the main topics of the videoconference of NATO Defence Ministers, which was attended by Mariusz Bszczak, the Minister of National Defence on Wednesday April 15, 2020. The talks, chaired by Jens Stoltenberg, NATO Secretary General, were also attended by the defence chiefs of Sweden and Finland, as well as Josep Borrell, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.

The head of the Ministry of National Defence, talking about the need for cooperation among members of the alliance, said that Poland provided support, among others sent doctors to Italy. 15 Polish doctors, including soldiers from the Military Institute of Medicine, for 10 days helped doctors in Lombardy, the region most affected by the pandemic in Italy. In addition, the knowledge they gained there is invaluable and will be used to treat Polish patients.

The head of the Ministry of National Defence also pointed out that today's activity and coherence of NATO's activities in such a sensitive time as the global epidemic shows our solidarity.

- We must remember that new challenges will not replace existing ones, but are only additional challenges for us. (...) We should not lose sight of the conventional dimension of our security - said Defence Minister Blaszczak. The head of the Ministry of National Defence stated that nobody was prepared for such a situation so far, and the current crisis must be a valuable lesson for everyone from which to draw conclusions. - We cannot repeat mistakes in relation to other threats and challenges - the minister added.

Minister Blaszczak thanked the countries whose soldiers are part of the Battalion Battle Groups strengthening the Eastern Flank for their special effort of service during the pandemic.

After the meeting, Jens Stoltenberg, NATO Secretary General pointed out that it is the NATO forces that very strongly support the civil services in their countries in the fight against coronavirus. He noted that NATO staff often play a key role in the fight against coronavirus. As an example, Jens Stoltenberg, NATO Secretary General mentioned, among others, support for medical services, logistic support or organization of air transport of purchased security equipment, including hundreds of tons of medical equipment and personal protective equipment. He also noted the armed forces' commitment to border protection.

 - We have to save lives today. We are stronger and safer when we cooperate with our partners (...) We must do everything so that the health crisis does not turn into a security crisis. That the crisis in health care, which is today pandemic, would not overshadow other threats to our security - noted J. Stoltenberg.

One of the topics discussed during the video conference was also issues related to the NATO missions and operations sustainment during the pandemic, including such missions as in Kosovo or Afghanistan and the activities of Battle Groups in Europe.

The phenomenon of disinformation was also discussed, which during the coronavirus pandemic may more than ever threaten security. As NATO Secretary General pointed out, one of the best and most effective responses to disinformation is real action and real help.


Ministry of National Defense
