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NATO Foreign Ministers Meeting


The extraordinary meeting of the North Atlantic Council focused on developments in Afghanistan. Poland was represented by Undersecretary of State Marcin Przydacz. NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg commended Poland’s evacuation efforts.

NATO Foreign Ministers Meeting_20.08.2021

Deputy Minister Przydacz reiterated that Poland’s engagement in the evacuation stemmed from humanitarian reasons, our solidarity as an Ally, and a responsible attitude as a credible NATO member. Deputy Minister Marcin Przydacz informed of the steps taken by Poland to evacuate from the Kabul airport Polish and Allied states nationals, as well as Afghans who cooperated with the Polish military contingent, aa well as their families. He declared that Poland is ready to admit additional 300 Afghans who worked for NATO and temporarily host them on our territory.

Deputy Minister Przydacz emphasized the need to exert pressure on the Taliban so that they respect fundamental human rights, in particular rights of women and minorities. The deputy minister further noted that regardless of the developments in Afghanistan, NATO remains an effective Alliance, capable of fulfilling its main tasks, including the collective defence of its member states.

“Despite the failure in Afghanistan, no one should doubt our unity, effectiveness and ability to defend the allied territory,” stressed Deputy Minister Przydacz. The official also pointed out that the dramatic fate of Afghans cannot be used as a tool to destabilize borders of European states.

NATO Secretary General thanked Poland for its efforts to help local NATO employees and commended Poland’s evacuation efforts. Furthermore, many countries pointed out major problems with evacuation from Kabul and the need to ensure that people have safe access to the airport.


MFA Press Office

Photo: Tymon Markowski / MFA
