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Poland will support NATO’s mission in Turkey


"Representing Polish Armed Forces abroad is both an honor and a responsibility. I know that you are well prepared for the tasks waiting for you. You have repeatedly confirmed your professionalism, excellent training and high efficiency in action" - wrote Mariusz Błaszczak, Minister of National Defense in a letter to the soldiers of the first rotation of Polish Military Contingent in Turkey.

Polish troops depart for NATO TAMT Mission in Turkey_April 2021

On Tuesday, April 20, 2021, at the airport in Gdynia-Babie Doły, soldiers of the Polish Military Contingent to Turkey officially initiated their mission. During the farewell ceremony, Minister Mariusz Błaszczak was represented by Wojciech Skurkiewicz, secretary of state at the Ministry of National Defense.

- Polish soldiers are present where allied solidarity requires it. They carry out tasks of various nature, ensuring stability and security, as well as transferring their knowledge and skills. Joining the NATO mission in Turkey is another expression of the fact that Poland treats its alliances seriously and works for the security on a global scale - Minister Błaszczak wrote in his letter.

The soldiers of the Polish Armed Forces will serve within the NATO framework of Tailored Assurance Measures for Turkey mission initiated in 2015. This is the first Polish military mission in this country.

Pursuant to the decision of the President, Poland will deploy the ‘Bryza’ patrol and reconnaissance aircraft and up to 80 soldiers and military personnel on the mission. The contingent will operate from Turkey and patrol the waters of the eastern Mediterranean and the Black Sea.

The naval aviators will also cooperate with NATO Standing Naval Groups and the NATO Maritime Command (MARCOM) in Northwood. The core of the first rotation of the contingent is coming from the Naval Aviation Brigade in Gdynia and the M28B 1R Bryza patrol and reconnaissance aircraft is homebased at the Naval Aviation Base in Siemirowice.


Ministry of National Defence

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