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Polish Day in Brussels 2023


On May 7, the second edition of the Polish Day in Brussels took place in the Cinquantenaire Park, during which Polish culture, history and Polish language were promoted. The event was a mass family picnic, integrating the Belgian Polonia, the Brussels diplomatic corps, Belgians and foreign guests.

Polish Day in Brussels 2023

During the picnic, 23 Polish community organizations presented their activities: schools from Brussels, Antwerp, Ghent, Leuven, Hasselt, Geel and Courcelles, scouting, the Polish Studies Section of the Catholic University of Leuven and other Polish community organizations. Part of the offer were, a.i. interactive workshops for children and sports activities. The heritage of Gen. Maczek's soldiers in Belgium, as well as Captain Pilecki, were referred to in their exhibitions and presentations by the Reconstruction Group of the First Polish Armored Division "Antwerpia" and the Polish Historical Memory Group Association. This year stands promoting Poland were also prepared by Brussels offices or directly by promotion departments of Marshal Offices from 14 voivodships. The presentations of the regions concerned e.g. Nicolaus Copernicus, the European Games in Krakow, tourist attractions or local food.

The court ballet Cracovia Danza performed on the stage with two performances - "Planety Tańcem Poruszone" inspired by the figure of Copernicus and "Alla Polacca" presenting Polish national dances as well as customs and legends. The finale of the Cracovia Danza ballet performance was a polonaise danced with an audience of several hundred in the Cinquantenaire park. The finale of the whole event was the evening concert of the band "Kwiat Jabłoni" - the concert attracted the audience of several thousand people, both Polish and international.

Materials about Polish historical figures, including General Maczek, Polish presence in NATO, as well as films about tourism in Poland, prepared by the Polish Tourist Organization, were presented on the big screen. In the park you could also see an exhibition about Copernicus and his economic interests, prepared by the National Bank of Poland.

The event was attended by several thousand people - Poles in Belgium, Belgians and foreigners living in Belgium, as well as tourists.

The event was organized by the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Brussels and Polish organizations Sztab Pomocy Belgia and Polska Macierz Szkolna. The co-organizers were: the Polish Institute in Brussels, the Permanent Representation of the Republic of Poland to NATO and the Brussels office of the Polish Tourist Organization.

The strategic partner was Comarch BeNeLux, support was also provided by Gaz-System SA, NBP, the Belgian-Polish company TECTUM, PLL LOT and Polish companies Magabel and META 4.


Permanent Delegation of the Republic of Poland to NATO

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