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Polish support for Italian doctors


“I deeply believe that mutual help and solidarity will guide us through the current crisis. This is a test for our European solidarity,” said Deputy Foreign Minister Marcin Przydacz during the inauguration of assistance programme for Italy, which was held on the premises of Polfa Tarchomin pharmaceutical plant. Today, 7 April 2020, a load of medical supplies for Italian health service was shipped from Warsaw.

Dispatch of medical supplies for Italy_7.04.2020

Deputy Minister Marcin Przydacz announced that Polish government decided to send medical supplies to Italy. The first batch of 20,000 litres of disinfectants made and handed over by the state-owned Polfa Tarchomin has been shipped today. The chemicals will be delivered to medical facilities in Veneto, north Italy. Some of the supplies will also be transferred to the hospital in San Marino.

“Our societies have a great debt of gratitude towards those who fight the pandemic on the frontline. Therefore, I am greatly hopeful that our today’s help will support the healthcare staff,” said the deputy chief of Polish diplomacy.

He also underlined that now, when all nations are facing an invisible enemy, we need solidarity more than ever.

“Today, the efforts of all state-owned companies are focused on fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. Polfa Tarchomin joined the fight as one of the first. It immediately increased the production of disinfectant liquid to support Poles in hard times. Yet we must not forget that we are not alone in this war – today a batch of the liquid was sent to Italy and San Marino to support those two countries, heavily stricken by the crisis. I thank the staff of Polfa Tarchomin and other state-owned companies for their total commitment to fight for the health and safety of Poles. Again, these companies have passed their exam in corporate responsibility,” said Deputy Minister of State Assets Maciej Małecki during the ceremony.

Today’s shipment is another example of Poland’s solidarity and support for the Italians. More than a week ago, a group of 15 Polish doctors and paramedics was dispatched to a field hospital in Brescia, Lombardy, to provide help where it is most needed. “As far as our human resources are concerned, we will be trying to continue with this kind of help for the Italian nation,” declared Deputy Minister Przydacz and recalled that it is not the only example of Polish solidarity with other European countries.

“Under the #LOTdoDomu programme, we have aided the return of over 2,000 foreigners of 35 nationalities, including many Italians,” pointed the deputy chief of Polish diplomacy.


The event was also attended by the Ambassador of Italy in Warsaw Aldo Amati. 


MFA Press Office



Photo: Tymon Markowski / MFA

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