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President Andrzej Duda meets with NATO Secretary General


President Andrzej Duda spoke with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at NATO Headquarters in Brussels.

Visit of President Duda at NATO HQ_07.02.2022

- I have no doubts that it is necessary to strengthen NATO's eastern flank - said Andrzej Duda during the meeting with journalists. - Everyone can see what is happening: Russia is increasing its military presence in our part of Europe. More Russian units are constantly arriving near the Russian-Ukrainian border, as well as in Belarus. This will fundamentally change the security architecture if these units do not return to the Russian garrisons.

The President emphasized that "peace and tranquility are in our interest." - The military threat is the last thing Poles would like - he added.

The President of the Republic of Poland recalled that he had recently discussed the security situation with the Presidents of Ukraine and Georgia. He proposed to the NATO Secretary General to organize meetings in the following formats: NATO-Ukraine and NATO-Georgia. - We should show our solidarity with these countries, we should show that we do not leave them alone, that - since they have always been loyal allies of the North Atlantic Alliance - the Alliance also remembers about them - said Andrzej Duda.

On the same day in Brussels, the President of the Republic of Poland spoke with the head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, and with the President of the European Council, Charles Michel.


Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland
