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Seminar with Polish experts: "Prospects for Ending the War in Ukraine"


The Polish Delegation to NATO hosted a seminar led by three experts from the renowned Polish think tank, the Polish Institute on International Affairs (PISM).

Seminarium z udziałem ekspertów PISM

During their interventions the panelists Agnieszka Legucka, Anna Maria Dyner and Wojciech Lorenz took into consideration that the lack of a broader Western strategy towards Russia and Ukraine will make it difficult to end the war in Ukraine on terms that can be considered a defeat for the aggressor. After the presidential elections in Russia and V. Putin being sworn in for a fifth term, Russia with a new determination will try to achieve its maximalist goals towards Ukraine, but also towards NATO (as presented in the ultimatum of December 2021). Even small successes on Russia’s side will reinforce its belief that it has a strategic initiative, which will make it impossible to start negotiations on terms acceptable to Ukraine, increasing the strategic risks for the whole Alliance. In such a situation, the West needs to demonstrate a clear determination that it is indeed ready to support Ukraine in the long-term. 

The experts presented also theirs assessment of the internal situation in Russia and its influence on the conduct of war, the situation in Ukraine and its calculations regarding possible negotiations, and prospects for increased assistance to Ukraine through NATO. 

The seminar was open for the representatives of Allied Delegations and NATO International Staff.

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