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Simulation game on countering disinformation


The Permanent Delegation of the Republic of Poland to NATO, in cooperation with the European Centre of Excellence for Countering Hybrid Threats in Helsinki, organized a simulation game on countering disinformation.

Simulation Game

The exercise was open to the representatives of the Committee on Public Diplomacy and the NATO International Secretariat. The scenario was based on a crisis situation including a natural disaster affecting both Allied and partner countries. Participants were tasked with creating an effective communication strategy, taking into account local conditions. During the exercise participants could benefit from innovative technological solutions. The game allowed participants to test their speed of reaction and ability to create clear and fact-based messages.

The simulation game made it possible to draw numerous conclusions useful in the participants' daily work. In particular, it pictured how social media algorithms work, acknowledged the role of artificial intelligence in generating Internet traffic, and the influence of emotions on the reception of media messages and interpretation of facts.

The project contributed to improving the competence of Allies and representatives of the International Secretariat in the field of recognizing and countering foreign disinformation and interference in democratic processes. The simulation game and the lessons learned from it will in the long run contribute to NATO’s resilience against information threats.