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The NATO Science for Peace and Security (SPS) Programme – call for applications


The NATO Science for Peace and Security (SPS) Programme supports scientists and experts from NATO and Partner nations in the form of established grant mechanisms.


Current call for proposals welcomes applications for Multi-Year Projects and training/research events.

Eligibility criteria

Applications must:

1. Contribute toward NATO’s strategic objectives and have a clear link to security;

2. Address at least one of the SPS Key Priorities;

3. Be developed jointly by scientists or experts from at least one NATO and one eligible Partner nation.

o All participants in the proposed activity must be nationals of a NATO member country or a NATO Partner country;

o Each activity must include a scientist or expert taking on the role of NATO country Project Director (NPD). This person must be resident and employed in a NATO member country;

o Each activity must include a scientist or expert taking on the role of Partner country Project Director (PPD). This person must be resident and employed in an eligible Partner nation (see list below);

4. Be developed and implemented by co-directors employed by government, academic, or other non-profit institutions;

5. Include realistic plans and budgets;

6. Be developed and managed in alignment with rules and regulations outlined in the SPS handbooks available on the SPS website at the following link:


Proposals must be drafted and submitted via the SPS grant platform


Deadline for applications: 5 January 2025  

For more information on the SPS Programme please visit the NATO SPS website at