Udział Polski w debacie otwartej Rady Bezpieczeństwa ONZ nt. Bliskiego Wschodu
20 stycznia 2025 r. Polska wzięła udział w debacie otwartej Rady Bezpieczeństwa ONZ nt. sytuacji na Bliskim Wschodzie, w tym kwestii palestyńskiej.
Tekst wystąpienia wygłoszony przez Krzysztofa Szczerskiego, Stałego Przedstawiciela RP przy NZ w Nowym Jorku, dostępny jest poniżej.
Mr. President,
I would like to start by thanking Algerian presidency for conveying this meeting and Secretary General António Guterres for his comprehensive briefing.
Allow me to briefly touch upon several issues that Poland deems of utmost importance and urgency concerning the situation in the Middle East.
First, the protection of civilians must be prioritized. International humanitarian law must be upheld and under any circumstances shall not be violated. Thus, we look forward to the full implementation of the recent ceasefire agreement in Gaza. We hope that it will lead to the release of all hostages and improvement of humanitarian conditions of the Palestinians in Gaza.
We commend Egypt, Qatar and the United States for their diplomatic efforts and urge all parties to resolve their differences with goodwill and through dialogue. In this context, we would like to emphasize that in the long-term perspective a sustainable roadmap to a two-state solution is essential so that stability and lasting peace can be achieved in the region.
Poland is committed to de-escalation in the Middle East and the Gulf, recognizing that support for non-state actors fuels further instability.
Furthermore, we call on Iran to immediately cease its transfers of weaponry to Russia, which pose a threat to the broader European security.
With regard to the rebuilding of the post-Assad Syria, we must pursue a Syrian-led political process that respects the people's aspirations and adheres to international law. Protecting human rights, including those of women and minorities, is critical for a stable future.
As tensions rise, the international community must act responsibly to confront these challenges, as inaction could have far-reaching and severe consequences.
Mr. President,
On top of Poland’s financial support for the region, in 2024, we provided humanitarian assistance worth over 7 million EUR to the countries in the Middle East – Palestine, Lebanon, Syria – mainly through the UN agencies: UNRWA, WFP, UNMAS, UNHCR, UNESCO, and UNICEF.
In addition, we assisted through Polish Aid projects, implemented by Polish NGOs (Polish Humanitarian Action, Polish Center for International Aid, Polish Medical Mission and Caritas Poland), Polish Embassies, Representative Office and the Polish Military Contingent of UNIFIL mission.
Palestine is at the top of Poland’s Official Development Assistance priority countries. Our efforts concentrate on ensuring access to healthcare and improving its quality, human capital development, and entrepreneurship. In 2024, Poland contributed approximately 2 million EUR to UNRWA alone.
In this regard, Poland remains deeply concerned about the prospect of the imminent implementation of the Knesset bills affecting UNRWA, as there is no viable alternative to the Agency in Gaza. We call on all UN members to uphold UNRWA’s mandate.
Mr. President,
The stakes continue to be high, since the fragility of the situation in the Middle East remains significant. People who have already suffered through so much urgently need and deserve lasting peace and stability. As tensions rise, the international community must act responsibly to confront these challenges, as inaction could have far-reaching and severe consequences.
Thank you for your attention.