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Diplomatic relations between Poland and Palestine were established on 1982.

Political cooperation

Historical view 

Official contact between Poland and the political representation of the Palestinian people – the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) were established in the mid-70s. PLO mission to the Committee of Solidarity with the Asian, African and South American nations, was opened in 1976, however it was not granted the status of a diplomatic mission.  

In the 70s the Polish attitude towards the Palestinian issue was based on ideological and political elements as well as resulting from recognition of existing facts and the belief that long-lasting peace and stability in the Middle East are impossible to achieve without fulfillment of the national aspirations of Palestinians. At the same time Poland recognized the right of Israel to peaceful existence. 

Diplomatic relations between Poland and the PLO were established in July 1982 (after Israeli aggression in Lebanon). Representation of the PLO received the official status of a diplomatic mission, and its director - with the status of ambassador - the privilege of accreditation to the head of state.  Renaming the PLO mission in Warsaw to “The Embassy of the Palestinian State” took place in 1989 during the visit of Mr. J. Arafat, due to the unilateral Palestinian decision. It was adopted by the Polish authorities (the Polish position resulted from the decision of the UN General Assembly from December 15, 1988 concerning the use of the name “Palestine” instead of “PLO”). As a result of the signing of the peace agreement between the PLO and Israel in 1995, the name “Embassy of Palestine” started to be used in order to stress the fact that the peace process will result in the creation of a Palestinian state.

Representation of the Republic of Poland to the Palestinian National Authority in Ramallah was established in January 2005. Until 1994 the Polish Embassy in Tunis maintained working contacts with PLO headquarters. From April 2, 1997 the Counselor of the Polish Embassy in Tel Aviv was the liaison to the Palestinian Authority. In 2012 an Honorary Consulate was opened in Bethlehem

Poland recognized the proclamation act of the Palestinian State, which was adopted during the nineteenth session of the Palestinian National Council (parliament in exile) in Algiers on November 15, 1988 – A spokesman of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a statement from November 16, 1988 expressed “readiness to cooperate with Palestinian authorities from the moment they will be created”. The Resolution of the UN General Assembly from December 15, 1988 (A/RES/43/177) was a form of a collective recognition of the Palestinian state. 104 countries including Poland and other Eastern bloc countries, voted in favor of the resolution.

Palestinian authorities adopted the Polish position from 1988 and consider it to be still in force. Accordingly, the Palestinian authority did not expect Poland to reconfirm its adoption.

Political cooperation in contemporary Poland

Polish-Palestinian relations are traditionally characterized by a friendly atmosphere and good cooperation. The bilateral relations are very friendly, also on the highest level: in 2013 pres. B. Komorowski visted Bethlehem, in 2016r. press. Abbas paid a visit to Poland which was resprocated by pres. Duda’s visit to Bethelehm in 2017r. Polish Foreign Ministers visited Ramallah in 2015 and 2016. Poland supports the right of the Palestinian people to self-governance and its aspirations to achieving an independent Palestinian state as a result of the Middle East peace process. Both sides maintain high level political dialogue. Parliamentary friendship groups are operating. Cooperation in many fields is developing, especially in the field of tourism and cultural relations. Cooperation takes also place at the local governmental level (among others cooperation between Lublin and Ramallah or Bethlehem and Częstochowa). The Association of Palestinian Alumni from Polish Universities, as well as a scholarship assistance programs for students (including I. Łukasiewicz programme), were established. Poland assists the Palestinian National Authority with assistance grants , via Polish NGO’s as well as contributing to the voluntary fund for Palestinian refugees. 

Economic cooperation

Economic cooperation is somewhat limited, due to the specific nature of the Palestinian Authority as occupied territiry (common customs area with Israeli, restrictions from the side of the occupying power, economic dependence on Israel, unstable political situation, difficulties of the Palestinian payer, logistical problems). Trade is limited and consists of mainly exports from Poland. One area of economic cooperation which is significant in bilateral relations is tourism since Poles are among the nations which provide the most numerous visitors to Palestine (including Bethlehem and Jericho).

Cultural cooperation

Cultural coopeation is developing well. Joint projects are run in the areas of film, dance and theatre. The most active cultural cooperation projects currently are between theatre groups in Bethlehem and Lublin and dance groups and mucisians in Kraków and Bethlehem. For many years the Office of Representative of the Republic of Poland has been a patron of Bethlehem Music Academy  and Palestinian Chopin Society, which has organized, under our patronage, Palestinian National Chopin competitions for children and youth.   

Cooperation in the field of science

Cooperation in the field of education is still at the developmental stage. Contact is maintained between Birzeit University and Warsaw University as well as Jagiellonian University.  Palestinian students participate in scholarship programmes, including the Łukasiewicz programme, and also in the Erasmus programme. 

Palestinian documents require legalisation. Palestinian students may study in Poland privately or through a scholarship programme. Polish students may study in Poland as part of an exchange programme or privately. Caution: foreigners studying in Palestine often encounter difficulties obtaining Israeli student or resident visas.