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Diplomatic solidarity visit to the Tent of the Nations


Diplomats from the Polish mission in Ramallah and from the missions of other like-minded countries visited the endangered Tent of Nations in Nahalin


Together with colleagues from the diplomatic missions of Denmark, the Netherlands, Germany, Canada, Portugal and the EU Delegation, we visited the Tent of Nations in Nahalin. To tell over 100 years of history of this place, you would have to write a thick book. Daoud Nassar's ancestors have created something truly unique in this place through their own hard work over generations. The Tent of Nations is not only an oasis of peace, in the extremely complicated Palestinian reality it is also a place where people from many parts of the world meet to work, enjoy and develop together.

The motto of this place is "we refuse to be enemies" – an attitude that stems from the Nassar family's deep-rooted Christian values. And these are not just words – despite decades of legal battles in Israeli courts, attacks from aggressive neighbors, and the truly barbaric destruction of trees by "unknown perpetrators" Daoud still sees no enemies around.  

Recently, the situation around the hill on which the Tent of Nations is located has deteriorated. It can no longer be reached from the main road, which has been blocked by the occupation authorities. Poland, together with other like-minded countries, shares the values of the Tent of Nations and hopes that this unique place will be able to continue functioning. We will certainly monitor the situation around this place.

More information about the Tent of Nations and its activities can be found here:


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