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Diplomats for Bethlehem


s. szcz

Today we delivered to the House of Peace in Bethlehem run by Sisters of St. Elisabeth, 150 kilograms of clothes and toys as well as money collected by Polish diplomats from the Mission in Ramallah and the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Tel Aviv. Our colleagues from the Hungarian and Czech diplomatic missions also joined our charity drive.. Thanks to the courtesy of the Polish Embassy in Tel Aviv, the proteges of the House of Peace also received sweets.

The collected aid will go to the poorest inhabitants of Bethlehem, many of whom have found themselves below the poverty line as a result of the pandemic. Bethlehem was particularly hard hit by the halt to tourism this year, bringing its people jobs and livelihoods until the outbreak of the pandemic. Polish sisters from the Congregation of St. Elisabeth run a House of Peace in Bethlehem for orphans and children from poor families, and help those in need all over the area.

We are proud that we have managed to express our solidarity with those in need with our modest, purely private initiative. We thank especially our Hungarian and Czech friends for their support.
