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Minister Jacek Czaputowicz hosts iftar meal for Ambassadors of Muslim countries on the occasion of Ramadan


“I am very happy that we can all enjoy happy moments of the Holy Ramadan – when compassion, friendship and solidarity gain special significance,” said Foreign Minister Jacek Czaputowicz during iftar, a formal dinner on the occasion of Ramadan which he hosted for the chiefs of diplomatic missions of Muslim countries accredited to Poland.

Minister Jacek Czaputowicz hosts iftar meal for Ambassadors of Muslim countries on the occasion of Ramadan

The chief of Polish diplomacy in his address drew attention to the centuries-old traditions of Polish religious tolerance and peaceful co-existence of different cultures, including the significance of the Muslim tradition in Poland’s history and its impact on the diversity of the Polish culture across ages. The meeting was also an occasion to present the exhibition “Traditions and modernity of the Tartars – Polish Muslims.”

 “Poland is constantly seeking to be more politically and economically involved in Muslim countries in the Middle East, in North Africa and other regions,” said the chief of Polish diplomacy. The minister informed his guests about Poland’s activities addressed to the countries of the region in both the bilateral and multilateral formats and referred to his recent visits to Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey, and Indonesia. The head of the Polish MFA underscored Poland’s engagement in multilateral efforts to resolve regional problems by proposing initiatives in the UN Security Council, organising the Ministerial to Promote a Future of Peace and Security in the Middle East and by resuming an active role in peacekeeping missions in this region. 


MFA Press Office

Photo: Gabriel Piętka
