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National Day on May the 3rd in Jerusalem


As every year for 177 years, Poles met in Jerusalem at the ceremonial Pro Polonia mass.

3 maja

               This story began in the mid-19th century, when Poland was not on the map of Europe. After the failure of another national uprising, which broke out in November 1830, Prince Roman Stanisław Sanguszko, a soldier of this uprising, was sentenced by the authorities of Tsarist Russia to exile to Siberia.

               Like many other Polish patriots, he was put in chains and went east on foot. After serving part of his sentence in Siberia, he was transferred to the Caucasus, and then the Russian authorities allowed him to return to Europe. From 1843, he traveled extensively around Europe and the world, and in 1847 he reached Palestine as a pilgrim.

              In the same year, Prince Roman Stanisław Sanguszko founded the Pro Polonia Holy Mass in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, which is solemnly celebrated every May 3 on the anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Polish-Lithuanaian Commonwealth (Union of Poland and Lithuania). A votive chalice with the Latin inscription "Votum exulum Polonorum A.D. 1847. (a gift from a Polish exile, in the year of Our Lord 1847) donated by him is also kept in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.  

               After returning to Poland, Prince Sanguszko settled on his family estate, where he founded, among other things, an Arabian horse breeding farm.

               This year we also met in Jerusalem to continue this tradition. This time, exceptionally, the Pro Polonia Holy Mass was celebrated in the New Polish House, due to the coincidence with Orthodox Easter (in accordance with the Status Quo principle). The celebration of our holiday also coincided with the 50th anniversary of the priesthood of Father Franciszek Wiater (OFM), a Polish Franciscan missionary who serves in Ein Karem as a spiritual guide of numerous pilgrims.



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