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Polish Aid for Palestine



Polish Aid for Palestine


On December 15 in Bethlehem the Palestinian Rehabilitation Center, hosted a ceremonial handing over of modern ventilators as part of the Polish Aid project, implemented in cooperation with Caritas Polska. The medical equipment was handed over by the Polish Representative in Palestine, Mr Przemysław Czyż and the General Director of Caritas Jerusalem, Sr. Bridget Tighe, to Gen. Kamal Hamid - the Governor of Bethlehem and the Director of the Center dr Imad. Shehadeha.


The coronavirus pandemic hit Palestine in March 2020, when groups of foreign tourists were found to be infected with the virus in Bethlehem. It was the beginning of crisis not only in 

the healthcare but also the beginning of serious problems in national economy. The pandemic has hit tourism - one of the most important sources of income for Palestinians.


In Palestinian hospitals and care centers, there is still a growing need for various types of medical support. Despite the efforts of the Palestinian government, public awareness of the prevention of COVID-19 is still low.


In response to such demand, Caritas Polska, thanks to Polish Aid, is actually implementing a project under which four modern ventilators have already been delivered to the Palestinian Rehabilitation Center in Bethlehem, saving the lives of seriously ill patients. In addition, six care facilities and the clinic will receive personal protective equipment. These are: Al-Basma center, where workshops and vocational activation of disabled people are conducted, centers for the blind and partially sighted (House of Hope and Al-Shurooq), centers for people with disabilities (Jamima and Familia Religiosa del Verbo Encarnado) and a center for children from families in need, run by the Polish Sisters of St Elisabeth – the House of Peace. The 

patients of the Taybeh Health Center clinic will also benefit from the preventive measures provided.


In addition, a wide campaign has been planned to promote preventive actions against COVID-19 cases, to be implemented in social media.


This is a new project, launched on September 1, 2020 in response to a request from the Palestinian Authority's Ministry of Health.


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