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Polish Aid in the Gaza Strip


We support Palestinian fishermen in Gaza

Gaza 6

This year, Polish Aid has reappeared in the Gaza Strip. Thanks to the cooperation with our partner - the Palestinian Marine Navigators Association, bringing together real people of the sea, we were able to provide fishing boat equipment, power generators, headlamps, fishing nets and sets of specialized protective clothing for 281 fishermen from Gaza.

We are proud that we have reached with Polish Aid the place where only a few reach.

The profession of a fisherman in Gaza is certainly a high-risk occupation. The blockade of the sea by the Israeli navy not only makes their daily work very difficult, but also places them at very serious risk. Our partners in Gaza are risking a great deal by going out to fish each day to feed their families. The sea is for them not only a source of livelihood, but also a daily challenge that they have been facing for generations.

They are tough people from whom you can learn a lot. We refer everyone who is interested in the topic of fishing in Gaza to the materials prepared by our colleagues form UN OCHA (United Nations Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs)

Below - photos of Polish Aid given to Palestinian fishermen.


Photos (5)
