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Diplomatic relations between Poland and Philippines were established on September 22, 1973.

Political cooperation

Political cooperation after 1989

On the 2nd of January 2018 Polish Embassy in the Philippines was reopened. (previously the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Manila was operating in the years 1981 – 1982 and 1991-1993. Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines in Warsaw was opeating in the years 1991-1995, and it was reopend in 2009. The most important high level visits in the history of bilateral relations are: visit of the prime minister of the Republic of Poland Marek Belka (July 2005), visit in Poland of the vice-president of the Philippines Gloria Macapagal – Arroyo (June czerwiec 2000) and visit in Manila of the delegation of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland headed by the marshall Józef Oleksy (December 2004). Political dialogue was also maintained at the level of the foreign affairs ministers. In 1996 Secretary of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of the Philippines Domingo Siazon Jr. paid a visit in Poland, Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs revisited the Philippines in 1997. In 2006 minister of national defense Radosław Sikorski paid a visit to the Philippines. In 2008 working visits in Poland were paid by Secretary of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of the Philippines Alberto G. Romulo and undersecretary Enrique A. Manalo. In December 2014 Secretary of Foreign Affairs Albert del Rosario visited Poland. Polish and Philippine parliaments maintain cooperative relations as well. In October 2004 Speaker of the Senate of the Republic of the Philippines paid a visit in Poland, and in 2005 a visit of the Senate of the Republic of Poland took place including the vice marshal of the Senat Ryszard Jarzembowski. In September 2012 and August 2014 vice marshal of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland, Jerzy Wenderlich paid a visit to the Philippines with his delegation. In October 2018 a delegation of the House of Representatives visited Poland, headed by the Deputy Speaker Mylene Garcia-Albano, and in January 2019 a visit of the delegation of the Polish Sejm with the Chairwoman of the Polish-Philippines Parliamentary Friendship Group Ms. Bożenna Bukiewicz paid a visit to the Philippines.

Economic cooperation

Trade cooperation between Poland and the Philippines is not big, even compared with other South-East Asian countries. In 2018 Polish export amounted to 95,03 mln USD, Polish import from the Philippines equaled 539,05 mln USD. Poland recorded a negative balance of -444,02 mln USD. Polish export to the Philippines is dominated by industrial products (parts for water steam turbines, rotors, helicopter parts) and food (poultry, dairy, including powder milk), and import is dominated by electronics. Polish investments in the Philippines among others are: hotel and tourist agency, property of Salamanca Holding, call centre and consulting company Cinnovation, Lingaro IT-BPM centre and Pietrucha Group vinyl sheet piles factory. Most important Philippine investments in Poland are: International Container Terminal Services investment in Baltic Container Terminal in Gdynia (worth approximately 100 mln USD) and ISOC Group investments in real estate in Katowice (59 mln EUR) and Kraków (92 mln EUR).