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International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief


22nd of August is the fourth International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief, established by the UN General Assembly on Poland’s initiative.


To mark this anniversary Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland prof. Zbigniew Rau published in selected foreign media outlets a press article, in which he describes the main threats and challenges related to freedom of religion or belief facing the international community.

This year’s anniversary is overshadowed by the unjustified and unprovoked Russian aggression against Ukraine. Non-military objects, including sites of Ukraine’s cultural heritage and places of worship, are targeted in fully premeditated acts of war. “Ukrainians of all creeds and ethnic origins are faced with brutal annihilation of places commemorating their identity, including belief-related” ­– writes Minister Rau. Poland’s chief of diplomacy also reminds that Russian repressions against persons belonging to religious minorities in Ukraine had begun long before the invasion of 2022 and became particularly harsh for Crimean Tatars following the annexation of Crimea by Russia.

Nowadays many religious minorities around the world have found themselves in a difficult position. Therefore efforts aimed at respecting human rights as well as at stopping acts of violence based on religion of belief are part of the most important objectives of Poland’s foreign policy on human rights. Poland remains active on international fora in promoting freedom of religion or belief, as well as has partnered with countries that have made it one of their priorities to advocate for this freedom.


Łukasz Jasina
MFA Press Spokesperson
