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Information about refunding student fees in case of receiving a visa refusal in order to start or continue studies


The charging fees issues for educational services by public universities are regulated in the Act of 20 July 2018, Law on Higher Education and Science, and in the case of non-public universities, they result from the internal regulations of these universities.

Embaixada da Polónia

Students conclude civil law contracts with universities, which contain special conditions related to the admission process, the course of studies, as well as provisions regarding the amount of the fees and the rules related to the fee refunds. Candidates for studies should carefully study these documents in detail, in particular the provisions on the rules for obtaining the refund of the paid tuition fees.

Refund issues are settled between students and universities. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland, the Embassies of the Republic of Poland, as well as the Consulates of the Republic of Poland do not mediate in issues between the student and the university and do not have legal measures allowing a foreigner, who has been refused a student visa, to obtain a refund of the tuition fees.

If the university fails to comply with the provisions of the contract concluded with the student, in particular, it has not refunded the fee, claims regarding student fees may only be pursued through civil law.
