Materiały dotyczące wstępnej pomocy psychologicznej uchodźcom z Ukrainy
Zdrowie psychiczne i wsparcie psychospołeczne. Zasoby w języku ukraińskimPsychological first aid: facilitator’s manual for orienting field workers
Doing What Matters in Times of Stress
W drodze na obcą ziemię. Psychoanalityczne refleksje na temat migracji
WHO AUDIO_Stress Management Awareness of Drinking
WHO AUDIO_Stress Management Awareness of Drinking - Ukrainian
WHO AUDIO_Stress Management Being kind to yourself
WHO AUDIO_Stress Management Being kind to yourself - Ukrainian
WHO AUDIO_Stress Management Grounding Exercise 1 (5 minutes)
WHO AUDIO_Stress Management Grounding Exercise 1 (5 minutes) - Ukrainian
WHO AUDIO_Stress Management Grounding Exercise 2 (2 minutes)
WHO AUDIO_Stress Management Grounding Exercise 3 (9 minutes)
WHO AUDIO_Stress Management Making Room
WHO AUDIO_Stress Management Making Room - Ukrainian
WHO AUDIO_Stress Management Notice and Name
WHO AUDIO_Stress Management Notice and Name - Ukrainian
WHO AUDIO_Stress Management Unhooking from Unkind Thoughts
WHO AUDIO_Stress Management Unhooking from Unkind Thoughts - Ukrainia