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Diplomatic relations between Poland and Romania were established on June 22, 1919.

Political cooperation

Historical view 

In October 1918 the Regency Council decided to establish its representation in Romania. It was meant to be headed by Mr Marian Linde, residing in Bucharest. The nomination was approved in January 1919 by the Foreign Ministry, led by prime minister Ignacy Paderewski. In the meantime, the Polish National Committee nominated Mr Stanisław Koźmiński a diplomatic representative of the PNC to the government of Romania. 

As a result, the Romanian authorities, which did not accredit Linde’s mission, also did not allow for an accreditation of Koźmiński. 

Impasse between the PNC and the Foreign Ministry was not resolved by mediation of gen. Robert Lamezan-Salins, representing the Polish Army in Romania. The government of Romania did not issue accreditation to either of the delegates. 

In 2018 representatives of the Polish Embassy in Bucharest found interesting documents in the Archives of the Romanian Foreign Ministry. On 22 June 1919 Aleksander Skrzyński presented his letter of credence to the King of Romania Ferdinand I. 

On 14 August 1919 the Romanian diplomat Alexander Florescu presented his credentials to Marshal Józef Piłsudski. Analysing the chronological events, the 22nd June, 1919 is now interpreted by both sides as the date of establishing diplomatic relations bewtenn Poland and Romania. Alexander Skrzyński was nominated as the extraordinary envoy and plenipotentiary minister, in charge of the very first Polish Legation in Romania. 

On 30th June 1937 relations between both countries were upgraded from Legations into the Embassies. 
After world war II, on 13th August 1945, Poland and Romania re-established diplomatic relations. In April 1946 both missions started to operate again. 

Economic cooperation

Economic Guide

Cultural cooperation

The Polish Institute in Bucharest is responsible for promoting Polish history, culture, education and arts in Romania.  

Polish Institute

Polish institutions operating in Romania

Poland is represented in Romania by the public institutions: Embassy of the Republic of Poland, with its Consular Section, Foreign Trade Office, Polish Instutute, as well as non-governmental organization: 

Polish Institute
Foreign Trade Office
Union of Poles in Romania