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NAWA Medic – Support for HEIs that Offer Medical Studies


Pilot Edition 2020



The objective of the programme is to enhance the teaching and practical potential of higher education institutions that offer education in medical professions. The programme will consist in inviting medical researchers, medical practitioners (including dentists), nurses and midwives from the European Union or the United Kingdom who hold the relevant professional licence and are competent to teach students/PhD candidates at the applying HEIs. Thus, the programme will help expand international cooperation in the broad area of medical sciences and to share the best practices in the above professions.


The applicant is a higher education institution that offers medical studies.

An application may concern a person who meets all of the following conditions:

  • is licensed to practise as doctor of medicine/dental practitioner/nurse/midwife in a member state of the EU, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) or the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) – party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area (Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein), or the Swiss Confederation;
  • currently exercises the profession of doctor of medicine/dental practitioner/nurse/midwife in one of the member states of the European Union or in the United Kingdom or does scientific work at a scientific or research institution in one of those countries – it is required to present a certificate of employment in the above countries for a period of at least 12 months prior to the announcement of the call for applications (element of formal evaluation; if no certificate of employment is provided, the application will be rejected for formal reasons);
  • holds a diploma certifying graduation from at least second-degree studies or uniform studies;[1]
  • speaks English or Polish freely in contact with patients (a relevant declaration is required).

In its application submitted to NAWA, the higher education institution presents not more than two candidates (doctor of medicine/dental practitioner/nurse/midwife; hereinafter: scholarship holder) along with a statement of grounds for the need to recruit a particular person in order to improve the education at the relevant HEI unit. The application has to be accompanied by a CV of the candidate(s) and a plan of tasks to be carried out during the stay. If the higher education institution wishes to take up cooperation with more than two scholarship holders, it notifies NAWA of that fact without providing the additional candidates’ personal data. NAWA compiles a reserve list and, if financial resources are available, notifies the higher education institution of the possibility to apply for scholarship for another person. Scholarships are awarded on a first come, first served basis with regard to formally correct applications.

Obligations of the HEI:

  • pay the scholarship to the scholarship holder in compliance with the rules set forth in section IV and in the agreement;
  • provide the scholarship holder with administrative and organisational support, including assign to them an advisor, whose duty will be among others to help them in matters related to the recognition of qualifications, if the need arises;
  • in the case of a doctor of medicine/dental practitioner who is not licensed to practise on the territory of the Republic of Poland, but is licensed in another country – go through the formalities related to inviting a doctor of medicine/dental practitioner;
  • give the scholarship holder duties at the HEI (teaching, laboratory duties, practical duties) corresponding to at least the half-time employment and provide them with necessary conditions (work place, infrastructure, tools) to perform them;
  • submit a final report on the performance of the agreement.

The financial resources for the payment of the scholarship will be provided to the applying institution, which will agree to pay them to the scholarship holder in compliance with the agreement.

The host institution may employ the scholarship holder under an employment contract or a civil law contract, and it has to observe the principle of avoiding double funding.

Scholarship components:

  1. Monthly scholarship for a doctor amounts to PLN 7,500, for a nurse – to PLN 5,000. The scholarship may be paid for a maximum period of 12 months.
  2. A one-time installation allowance for the scholarship holder – PLN 12,000.
  3. A one-time mobility allowance – PLN 5,000 for the scholarship holder and PLN 2,000 for each family member (spouse and underage children) – making it easier for them to come to Poland, including covering transport and the costs of organising their arrival.
  4. Allowance for the scholarship holder’s advisor – PLN 5,000 (provided by NAWA in a single payment; an addition to the regular remuneration of the scholarship holder’s advisor at the HEI paid according to the rules set forth by the HEI).
  5. The amounts referred to in points 1–4 are lump sums. Following the interpretation of the Minister of Finance, they are not subject to taxation
  6. Matters related to social insurance ought to be settled between the HEI and the scholarship holder. NAWA does not pay for or cover insurance costs. They can be covered by the scholarship holder from the scholarship.

Programme funding:

NAWA is going to allocate PLN 4 million for the programme. The budget may be increased in the event of considerable demand among the academic community to expand the programme.

Important dates:

Applications may be submitted after 5 November 2020, until 20 November 2020 at 3:00 p.m. (Central European Time in accordance with the official time in force on the territory of Poland). Applications may be submitted exclusively electronically via the Agency’s communication and information system. In order to submit an application, it is necessary to register in the Agency’s ICT system available at

Stays may commence after the conclusion of the agreement, not later than on 31 March 2021.

Agreements between the HEIs and NAWA have to be concluded not later than on 20 December this year.

Higher education institutions that offers medical studies here

Recommendation: If a person wishes to apply for a licence to practise as a doctor of medicine/dental practitioner/nurse/midwife in Poland, we recommend that they apply for a recognition of professional qualifications necessary to exercise a regulated profession in the Republic of Poland to the regional medical council/regional council of nurses and midwives prior to the end of the transition period, that is by 31 December 2020.
