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Flight Saudia Airlines from Jeddah to Warsaw on May 10th – important information


Please be informed that there is a possibility of departure from Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on a Saudia Airlines flight from Jeddah to Warsaw on May 10th.

Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Riyadh


Please be advised that on May 10th a commercial flight of Saudia Airlines is planned to depart from Jeddah to Warsaw.

All citizens that due to the current epidemiological situation, wish to return to Poland, and who cannot leave the territory of Saudi Arabia, please urgently contact the Consulate of the Republic of Poland in Riyadh at the following e-mail address: to register on a list of passengers willing to use the Saudia Airlines flight option to Warsaw.


Requests containing:


1. Scan of a passport page containing personal data

2. Contact number in Saudi Arabia


Must be send by May 7th until 1.00 PM (13:00).
