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Heads of diplomacy of Poland and Saudi Arabia meet on margins of 76th session of United Nations General Assembly in New York


Heads of diplomacy of Poland and Saudi Arabia meet on margins of 76th session of United Nations General Assembly in New York

“The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is among Poland’s most important partners in the MENA region. We are satisfied with the very dynamic high-level bilateral contacts, and are continuously striving to achieve even more ambitious goals in the multidimensional cooperation between our countries,” said Minister of Foreign Affairs Zbigniew Rau during a meeting with the head of Saudi diplomacy Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud.


Held on the margins of the 76th session of the UN General Assembly in New York, the meeting was an opportunity to review the bilateral relations and the legal and treaty basis, and to discuss prospects for economic cooperation.


Furthermore, Minister Zbigniew Rau reiterated his condemnation of any attacks directed against

the territory of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The interlocutors also talked about the situation in the Middle East.



Łukasz Jasina

MFA Press Spokesperson


Photo: Gabriel Piętka  / MFA
