INNOGLOBO – the International NCBR funding program
The National Center for Research and Development has launched a call for applications for the international INNOGLOBO program on 1 July 2021.
Polish innovators (companies, consortia, universities, research units and other organizations disseminating knowledge) will be able to choose (more freely than before) a foreign project partner, the subject of the project and realize projects with different budgets.
Co-financing can be used for the implementation of industrial research and development. Applications submitted in the competition must fit in with at least one of the specializations visible on the List of the National Smart Specialization. Under this program, it will be possible to start financing projects carried out by international consortia, in which Polish entities have no restrictions in selecting partners from abroad.
The application deadline is 30 November 2021. More information about the competition can be found at NCBR website.
International Program INNOGLOBO - The National Centre for Research and DevelopmentOnepager_1st_Call_of_INNOGLOBO_for_foreign_Partners.pdf 0.50MB