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New restrictions on the Polish border from December 28


From December 28th 2020 new restrictions related to the prevention of COVID-19 are in force on the Polish border. Citizens of Poland, EU, EEA and Switzerland who cross the Polish border, constituting the external border of the EU, are no longer exempt from quarantine. After crossing the internal border, persons travelling by public transport are directed to quarantine. Exempt from quarantine are, i.a. individuals vaccinated against COVID-19.

Koronawirus EN

Detailed information:

Regulation of the Council of Ministers of 21 December 2020 on the establishment of certain restrictions, orders and prohibitions in connection with the occurrence of a state of epidemic - LINK.


Who will be exempt from quarantine?

From 28 December 2020, quarantine, after crossing the Polish border as part of professional activities, does not have to take place:

  1. aircraft crew,
  2. seamen, fishermen and other members of the crews of sea-going vessels and inland waterway vessels, as well as ship service technicians and inspectors of maritime administration or recognized organizations to carry out inspections - LINK,
  3. persons performing work or providing services on ships or offshore extraction and drilling platforms,
  4. persons performing works in Poland or a neighboring country, related to the preparation or implementation of investments in the field of the terminal within the meaning of the Act on investments in the scope of the liquefied natural gas regasification terminal in Świnoujście, strategic investments in the field of transmission networks within the meaning of the Act on the preparation and implementation of strategic investments in the field of transmission networks or strategic investments in the oil sector within the meaning of the Act on the preparation and implementation of strategic investments in the oil sector,
  5. drivers conducting road transport within the framework of international road transport or international combined transport within the meaning of the provisions of the Road Transport Act - LINK,


  1. train staff and other employees necessary to perform freight services as part of international rail transport, performing professional activities in Poland or a neighboring country, on the basis of a list constituting a list of these persons provided by the carrier,
  2. drivers performing road transport with motor vehicles or combinations of vehicles with a maximum permissible weight not exceeding 3.5 tons in road transport of goods and non-profit road transport of goods,
  3. drivers engaged in road transport with vehicles intended for the transport of more than 7 and not more than 9 people, including the driver in international commercial road transport of passengers.


In addition, the following persons will also be released from quarantine after crossing the Polish border:


  1. students studying in Poland and their guardians who cross the border with these students to enable this education,
  2. students, participants of postgraduate studies, specialised education and other forms of education, as well as doctoral students studying in Poland and persons conducting research activities in Poland,
  3. soldiers of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland or allied forces as well as the officers of Police, Border Guard, Internal Security Agency, Customs and Tax Service, State Fire Service and State Protection Service, inspectors of the Road Transport Inspection, performing official tasks,
  4. the members of diplomatic missions, consular offices and representatives of international organizations and their family members, as well as by other persons crossing the border on the basis of a diplomatic passport,
  5. inspectors of the maritime administration or a recognized organization referred to in the maritime safety regulations, who cross the border to carry out an inspection,
  6. persons who perform work on a farm located on both sides of the border,
  7. foreigners with a permanent residence permit or a long-term residence permit of a European Union resident and their spouses and children, in order to travel through the territory of Poland to the place of residence or stay, within the territory of other European Union Member States, a member state of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) – party to the agreement on the European Economic Area or the Swiss Confederation,
  8. persons sailing on recreational craft between ports of the EU Member States, EFTA Member States - parties to the EEA Agreement without calling at third country ports,
  9. persons carrying out work abroad related to the protection of Polish cultural heritage abroad, including conservation work, inventory and research work, carried out under financial projects from the funds of the minister responsible for culture and protection of national heritage or funds of state cultural institutions, the organizer of which is that minister,
  10. persons taking part as competitor, a member of the training staff, a doctor, a physiotherapist or referee, in international sports competitions organized on the territory of the Republic of Poland by an international sports federation operating in the Olympic or Paralympic sports, or other recognized by the International Olympic Committee or organized by an international sports organization with a continental range belonging to such a federation, or a Polish sports association, as well as by accredited journalists,
  11. persons practicing a medical profession who obtained qualifications to perform a given profession outside of the territory of Poland and are crossing the border in order to provide healthcare services on the territory of Poland,
  12. persons who shall take the eighth grade exam in January 2021, conducted in primary schools for adults, where education ends in the fall semester,
  13. persons vaccinated against COVID-19 who were issued a certificate confirming the  protective vaccination,
  14. persons who in January 2021 will take the exam confirming qualifications in a profession referred to in section 3b of the Act of 7 September 1991 on the education system (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 1327), with the wording in force before 1 September 2019, or the vocational examination referred to in section 3b of the Act of 7 September 1991 on the education system,
  15. persons who are crossing the state border constituting an internal border within the meaning of Article 2 point 1 of the Regulation (EU) 2016/399 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 2016 on a Union Code on the rules governing the movement of persons across borders (Schengen Borders Code) as part of the performance of professional, business or gainful activities in the Republic of Poland or in a neighbouring country.
  16. citizens of the European Union Member States, European Free Trade Association (EFTA) Member States – parties to the agreement on the European Economic Area or the Swiss Confederation and their spouses and children, for the purpose of transit through the territory of Poland to their place of residence or stay (in force from 30 December 2020).