Polish – Swiss Event on the Sustainable Cities
Information on the Polish – Swiss event “Harnessing Remote Sensing for Sustainable Cities” that will held place in Warsaw (hybrid) on June 17th.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland has pleasure to pass information on planned Polish – Swiss event “Harnessing Remote Sensing for Sustainable Cities” that will held place in Warsaw, in the hybrid formula, on June 17th.
The event is one of the preparatory steps for the United Nations World Data Forum, which will take place in Bern (October 19-21, 2021). You can find more information about the event organized in Warsaw in attachments.
Event in Warsaw - Harnessing Remote Sensing for Sustainable Cities - InformationRoad_to_Bern_Warsaw_event.pdf 0.23MB Agenda of the Meeting
AGENDA_meeting_17_June_2021.pdf 0.53MB