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Polish Run 2020 – virtual edition


We invite you to take part in the 4th edition of the Polish running event “Polish Run 2020”, which exceptionally this year will take place in a changed formula - virtually. Thus, we invite beginners, amateurs and professionals, street and mountain runners, medium distance runners and marathon runners - regardless of latitude.

Polish Run 2020

We are very pleased to announce that the East Poland House in Brussels has undertaken organization of the next edition of the Polish Run event. The Polish Run will be held for the fourth time in a row, however, for the first time in a unique, changed formula. This year we will not meet at the start and we will not cross the finish line together, standing side by side with other runners. "Run whenever and wherever you are" - this year's motto (dictated by the restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic) will take our competition into a virtual dimension. The participants will run a distance of 10 kilometers in any place and any day of their choice, although within the specified time frame?. The route marked out independently leaves the participants full flexibility, while guaranteeing social distance due to the pandemic restrictions. Without pressure and concern, for many of us who decide to take part in the race for the first time, it will be a great introduction to real competition, a way to break the shame and take the first step in a new direction.


The accuracy, method and message of timing will not take place in the way known from most of the running events. We trustfully leave it in the hands of our competitors. The only requirement is documented completion of the run at full distance, with the necessary caution, safety requirements and restrictions related to the current situation.


We believe that the unique formula of the competition will allow you to run in a freely chosen place around the world.  We invite to participate all those who sympathize with Poland and those who cooperate with the regions of Eastern Poland. We invite beginners, amateurs and professionals, street and mountain runners, middle-distance and marathon runners, regular runners and debutants.


This particularly challenging year also marks the 40th anniversary of the Poland’s Solidarity Movement – Solidarność. Let us unite in the heart of Our Europe and show solidarity with those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. We hope that, as every year, the Polish Run will be an opportunity to raise funds for those who need our help.


We have no doubts that your additional support could embolden participation and involvement into the event. We further encourage you to record a short video showing your participation in the Polish Run, which we could share in social media. We are convinced that this type of activity will bring us mutual benefits and contribute to the promotion of Poland in the world.


The event-dedicated website will provide you with the necessary information, allow for registration, as well as create space to promote running events in Poland. All interested in this form of promotion are kindly invited to contact us.


For further organizational issues, please contact Mr. Michał Szczepura - Representative of Podlaskie Voivodeship in Brussels (phone: 02 738 02 22, e-mail:


Polish Run 2020 - statute
Regulamin​_bieg​_Polish​_Run​_2020​_EN.PDF 0.90MB
Polish Run 2020 - poster
PLAKAT​_Polish​_Run​_2020-150.jpg 2.10MB