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Tourist destinations in Poland - Białowieża Forest



On the occasion of the launch of direct flights between Poland and Saudi Arabia, scheduled for 4 June 2024, the Embassy has launched an information series on Poland. Every month, until 4 June, we are going to publish information on attractive tourist destinations in our country. 

Białowieża Forest

The Białowieża National Park is situated in the north-east part of Poland, in Podlaskie voivodeship and it is the only Polish natural property designated by UNESCO as a World Heritage site. The Park is the most important – central zone of Białowieża Forest Biosphere Reserve.     

Białowieża National Park protects the best preserved fragment of Białowieża Forest – last natural forest at the European Lowland Area, having the primaeval character, identical with the one which covered the area of deciduous and coniferous forests years ago. The characteristic feature of the park is its biological diversity. The Park comprises, inter alia, 809 vascular plants species, over 3 thousand cryptogams and fungi species, almost 200 moss species and 283 lichen species. 

European bison – the biggest European land mammal – is the symbol of the Park. Białowieża Forest became last mainstay for the lowland European bison. The process of its reinstatement, bringing it back to nature started right there. At present, Białowieża Forest comprises the largest free-living population of European bison in the world. There are approximately 800 European bison living in the Polish part of Białowieża Forest.


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