Eastern Summer School - University of Warsaw
The Eastern Summer School is held between 1th – 21th July 2022 in Warsaw. The Eastern Summer School (founded in 1991) has been organized since 1992 by the Centre for East European Studies at the University of Warsaw.
It gathers around 20 students annually - young researchers from various fields of the humanities. School participants cannot come from Poland.
The lectures are conducted by a changing group of outstanding specialists, mainly from Poland, Western Europe and America. The School’s program consists of a series of lectures, seminars (several topics to choose from), scientific tours and presentations of institutes, libraries and archives. So far, in the years 1992-2021, thirty-one sessions of the School took place. A total of almost 100 professors taught during the sessions, over 700 listeners from 34 countries. Graduates continue their careers in their home countries, often holding senior positions in science (Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Russia, Moldova, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Sweden), archives and museums (Lithuania, Ukraine), as well as in non-governmental organizations (especially Belarus), public service and politics (Ukraine, Lithuania) and diplomacy (Ukraine, Bulgaria, Hungary) and the media (Ukraine, Belarus, Bulgaria).
Final deadline for application: 20th May 2022
More information: https://studium.uw.edu.pl/szkoly/wschodnia-szkola-letnia/nabor-do-wschodniej-szkoly-letniej/
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