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Information on the principles of applying for visas by foreigners intending to practice as a doctor, dentist, nurse, obstetrician or paramedic in the territory of the Republic of Poland

In connection with the entry into force on December 30, 2020 of the Act of November 27, 2020 on the amendment of certain acts in order to ensure during the period of announcing the state of epidemic threat or the state of epidemic of medical staff (Journal of Laws, item 2401), we present you the material information on the rules for applying for visas by foreigners who intend to practice in Poland the profession of a doctor, dentist, nurse, midwife and paramedic.


Information on the principles of applying for visas by foreigners intending to practice as a doctor, dentist, nurse, obstetrician or paramedic in the territory of the Republic of Poland
Information​_on​_the​_principles​_of​_applying​_for​_visas​_by​_foreigners​_intending​_to​_practice​_as​_a​_doctor,​_dentist,​_nurse,​_obstetrician​_or​_paramedic​_in​_the​_territory​_of​_the​_Republic​_of​_Poland.pdf 0.60MB