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Celebrations of Polish National Independence Day


Message from Deputy Foreign Minister Szynkowski vel Sęk on the occasion of National Independence Day


On the occasion of Polish National Independence Day, we would like to present the message of Deputy Foreign Minister Szymon Szynkowski vel Sęk, addressed to the Polish community abroad.

We encourage you to join the action of the Niepodległa project, sing the Polish National Anthem on 11 November at 12:00 (Polish time) and publish your recording in social media with the campaign tag #NiepodległaDoHymnu.

We encourage you to listen to the 18th International Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition, first prize-winners' concert which took place on 21.10 at the National Philharmonic in Warsaw.


Życzenia Ministra Szymona Szynkowskiego vel Sęka, skierowane do Polonii i Polaków za granicą z okazji Święta Niepodległości
2021-11-11​_życzenia​_MSSvS​_dla​_Polonii​_list.pdf 0.59MB


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