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45th session of the Human Rights Council ended in Geneva


45th session of the Human Rights Council was held in Geneva from September 14 to October 7, 2020. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Council was held in a "hybrid" formula that combined the physical presence of some delegates in meetings with online participation. It was the third session in which Poland participated as a member state as part of her term in the Human Rights Council in 2020-2022.

45th session of Human Rights Council

The most important element of the 45th session of the Human Rights Council was an urgent debate on the situation in Belarus, organized at the initiative of the European Union. 65 representatives of states and the European Union participated in the debate. 13 countries took part in the debate in the form of pre-recorded video presentations of ministers and deputy ministers of foreign affairs. Among them was the speech of the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland, Zbigniew Rau.

As a result of the debate, resolution 45/1 concerning the human rights situation in Belarus in the period preceding and after the presidential elections in Belarus was adopted. The resolution calls on the High Commissioner for Human Rights to present to the Human Rights Council an oral report and a written report on the human rights situation in Belarus, respectively, by the end of this year and during the next - 46th session of the Human Rights Council, i.e. in February and March 2021.

It should be noted with appreciation that the Human Rights Council adopted by consensus the resolution devoted to good governance, which traditionally is presented by Poland. This year's resolution was devoted to the issue of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the sphere of good governance, focusing the attention of the international community on the need for national governments to ensure access to public services and the possibility of participation in public life using modern technologies. An important element of the resolution is also mentioning in its content the 20th anniversary of the adoption of the Warsaw Declaration, a document establishing the Community of Democracies, an intergovernmental coalition of states promoting democratic norms and institutions.

The adoption by the Human Rights Council of the resolutions supported by Poland on the human rights situation in Venezuela, extending the mandate of the Fact Finding Mission to investigate human rights violations under Nicolas Maduro in Venezuela, the resolution on the human rights situation in conflict-ridden Syria and the resolution on the safety of journalists. The resolutions presented by the European Union on children's rights in the context of environmental protection and the human rights situation in Burundi were also adopted.

The UN Human Rights Council was established in 2006 by UN General Assembly Resolution 60/251 of March 15, 2006 and replaced the UN Human Rights Commission. The Council consists of 47 member states. Poland was a member of the Council in 2006-2007 and 2011-2013. The Human Rights Council is the most important forum for intergovernmental cooperation in the field of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. Its tasks include helping states to fulfill their obligations in the field of human rights protection through dialogue, building institutional structures and technical assistance.

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