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Poland will organize the 32nd Meeting of Legal Advisers of the UN Member States


In accordance with the established tradition, the annual Informal Meeting of Legal Advisers of the United Nations Member States will inaugurate the International Law Week on October 24, 2022. The event will be held in the Trusteeship Council Chamber at the United Nations Headquarters in New York and will begin at 10 am.

Logo of the UN

These informal events, inaugurated in 1989 at the initiative of Poland, Canada, India, Mexico and Sweden, bring together a large number of international law experts and provide an opportunity to address today’s most pressing international law issues. In accordance with the principle of rotating chairmanship, this year's meeting will be chaired by the Director of the Legal and Treaty Department of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Konrad Marciniak.

We believe that the broad range of interesting and timely topics at this year’s meeting, debated by a select group of the world-class specialists, will create ample opportunities for spirited and fruitful discussion.


Program of the 32nd Informal Meeting of Legal Advisers
Program​_of​_the​_32nd​_Informal​_Meeting​_of​_Legal​_Advisers.pdf 0.34MB