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Global Social Protection Week in the International Labour Office


On November 25-28, 2019 debates, panel discussions and exhibitions devoted to social protection issues in a global context took place in the International Labour Office. Many aspects and dimensions of social protection were discussed: institutional, financial, legislative and cultural. In a situation where only 45% of the world's population is covered by at least one form of social protection, the need for a strategic approach to the topic was strongly emphasized. This is particularly important in the context of the Agenda 2020 goals, including SDG 1.3. Social protection systems for all people.

Global Social Protection Week in the International Labour Office

The panel discussion entitled "Building law-based social protection systems" was attended by a Polish representative, Professor Gertruda Uścińska, President of the Social Insurance Institution. Polish panelist referred in her speech to the historical approach and the current state of legal regulations in the field of social security, mainly in the context of the provisions of the International Labor Organization Convention No. 102 of 1952 regarding minimum standards of social security.

The added value of international human rights standards and development goals in the area of social protection is the development of the right to social security. Professor Uścińska emphasized that the contemporary challenge is to provide social protection in new economic and demographic conditions, i.e. to cover new forms of employment, as well as to ensure minimum income for old age.



