Our staff
Łukasz Różycki, First Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Representative, e-mail: lukasz.rozycki@msz.gov.pl
Piotr Dzwonek, Minister Plenipotentiary, Deputy Permanent Representative, e-mail: piotr.dzwonek@msz.gov.pl
Anna Barbarzak, Minister Plenipotentiary, WIPO, CERN, ITU, e-mail: anna.barbarzak@msz.gov.pl
Wojciech Flera, Counsellor-Minister, Human rights; e-mail: wojciech.flera@msz.gov.pl
col. Bartosz Czajkowski, Counsellor, Disarmament, e-mail: bartosz.czajkowski@msz.gov.pl
Renata Retkowska, Counsellor, Head of Finance and Administration, e-mail: renata.retkowska@msz.gov.pl
Joanna Żeber, First Secretary, International Labour Organisation, e-mail: joanna.zeber@msz.gov.pl
Jędrzej Uszyński, First Counsellor, Humanitarian, refugee, migration affairs; international humanitarian law (OCHA, UNHCR, IOM, UNDRR, ICRC), e-mail: jedrzej.uszynski@msz.gov.pl
Łukasz Kruk, First Secretary, World Health Organisation (WHO), Joint UN Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), e-mail: lukasz.kruk@msz.gov.pl
Aleksandra Orr, First Secretary, Human rights, UNECE, e-mail: aleksandra.orr@msz.gov.pl
Mission to the World Trade Organization
Joanna Hawryluk, Permanent Representative to the World Trade Organization
Katarzyna Stecz, First Secretary, e-mail: katarzyna.stecz@mrit.gov.pl
Piotr Suchenek, Third Secretary, e-mail: piotr.suchenek@mrit.gov.pl