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Poland on Russia's attacks against Ukrainian civilians


Statement by Ambassador Krzysztof Szczerski in the UN Security Council delivered after Russia's appalling strikes on Ukrainian civilians including against the maternity and children’s hospital in Kyiv.

Ambassador Krzysztof Szczerski in the UN Security Council

Distinguished members of the Security Council,

Just over three weeks ago, in Bürgenstock, Switzerland, countries gathered to look for a path to just peace in Ukraine. The final document of the conference, signed up to today by 90 countries and international organizations opens with the following sentence: “The ongoing war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine continues to cause large-scale human suffering and destruction, and to create risks and crises with global repercussions”. 

Only 24 hours ago, the aggressor sent us the latest chilling reminder of how acutely precise these words are. Russia’s unprovoked war continues with unprovoked, indiscriminate attacks against the innocent and the most vulnerable.


Since the launch of its full-scale military invasion in February 2022, Russian forces have targeted the largest Ukrainian nuclear power plant in Zaporizhia, the largest Ukrainian water dam in Khakovka, and now, brazenly enough, they took aim at the largest Ukrainian children’s hospital in Kyiv, where hundreds of young patients seek relief and comfort.

The attack was immediately condemned by numerous world leaders, including my country’s highest authorities which were hosting President Zelensky in Warsaw on this very day. It is very important that we also gathered in this chamber to once again deplore Russia’s atrocities, especially during the month it holds the Security Council presidency, and to loudly redeclare that under international humanitarian law, hospitals have special protection. It is important for the world to hear the truth about Russia deliberately creating a humanitarian catastrophe in Ukraine by its attacks and using them as a tool of disinformation campaigns.

Poland duly notes that the 2023 Secretary General’s report on children in armed conflicts, for the second consecutive year, correctly identifies “Russian armed forces and affiliated armed groups” as “parties that commit grave violations”.

In Ukraine, Russia not only commits such atrocious attacks as the one on the children’s hospital in Kyiv, but it continues its disgraceful practice of forcible displacements of Ukrainian children. All this violates international law, including Geneva Conventions, Genocide Convention and Convention on the Rights of the Child and it constitutes a war crime for which Russia must be held accountable.

Children who remain in Ukraine face the risk of death or loss of health and have very limited opportunities for development and education. And let me be clear, saying so, we have in mind not only Ukraine but every conflict where children are targeted victims. 


According to some media experts’ estimates, Russia spent as much as 250 million dollars on yesterday’s missile barrage against targets in several Ukrainian cities. 
Instead of spending money on treating its own children, Russia prefers to spend hundreds of millions on killing children in Ukraine. And it’s not only about Ukraine. The sum of money spent on this one-day attack would be sufficient for building several hospital in developing countries. Russia’s war costs everybody dearly both in lost lives and material damage. 

Distinguished delegates,

Can you imagine what would be those costs in case of a nuclear disaster? That is why the UN General Assembly will soon vote on a resolution condemning the Russian aggression against Ukraine which urges Moscow to refrain from its nuclear gamble of illegally occupying the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant that puts us all at such a great risk. 
We truly hope that the proposal will garner the broadest possible support which will underscore our commitment to restoring peace in Ukraine in accordance with the UN Charter fundamental principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity and will be in line with the declaration of the latest peace summit in Switzerland. Let’s save the children from the scourge of war.

Thank you.
Photo: UN Photo/Loey Felipe

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