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C-Type Schengen Visa

Where to apply?
  • If you are traveling to one Schengen country, you should apply for a Schengen visa at the Embassy/Consulate of that country.
  • If you are going to visit more than one Schengen country, you should apply at the Embassy/Consulate of the Schengen country which is the main destination of your travel.
  • If the schedule of your journey does not indicate the main destination of your travel, you should apply for a visa at the Embassy/Consulate of the Schengen country which you will enter as first during your trip.
  • In case of transit by only one Schengen country, you should apply at the Embassy/Consulate of that country.
  • If you travel in transit through several Schengen countries, you have to apply at the Embassy/Consulate of country you will enter as first during the transit.

Applications should be made in person at:

The Consular Section of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in London: 10 Bouverie Street, EC4Y 8AX London, nearest tube station: Blackfriars or Temple.

Monday   12:30pm-3:50pm
Tuesday-Friday  9:00am-12:20pm

According to the Decision no. 99 of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs dated 27th August 2012 on establishing in certain countries consular offices issuing visas, the only consular office issuing visas in the United Kingdom is the Consular and Polish Diaspora Section of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in London. In order to submit a visa application it is necessary to make an appointment at the Consular and Polish Diaspora Section in London by registering the application via the e-Consulate system.

If you need more information, please contact:

Third-country nationals or specific categories of such nationals who are required to consult their visa applications:

Afganistan, Algieria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belarus (diplomatic passport and service passport holders), Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Libya, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Nigeria, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Philippines, Russian Federation, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, South Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Viet Nam, Yemen, State of Palestine, refugees, stateless persons.

Do I have to apply in person?

The visa application form must be submitted in person. We do not accept application forms sent via fax, regular mail or e-mail.

How to book an appointment?

To submit your visa application you are required to register your visa visit through the e-Consulate system and complete the relevant visa form. New visa appointment slots are released every working day around 8:00 pm. There are different types of visa as mentioned below:

  • Schengen Visa – family members of Polish nationals,
  • Schengen Visa – business,
  • Schengen Visa – tourism,
  • Schengen Visa – others.

IMPORTANT! Please ensure that the type of visa you are going to apply for corresponds with the purpose of your trip to Poland and all reservations are made accordingly. Visa applications registered incongruently with the visa type and purpose of travel to Poland will be automatically removed from the system.

What documents do I need to submit?
  1. A visa application form filled via the e-Consulate system, printed and signed.
  2. A 3.5 x 4.5 cm colour photo. The photo must be:
    • sharp,
    • taken against white background and printed on a quality paper,
    • newer than 6 months, taken en face, clearly showing the eyes and face from both sides from the top of the head to the top of the shoulders with the face covering 70-80% of the photo. The photo must be taken without any headwear.
  3. Passport issued within last ten years, valid for at least three months from the expected return date, with at least two blank pages for visas. If you have another valid passport, you should attach it to the visa application form.
  4. UK residence permit valid for at least one month after the expiry date of your Schengen visa. If you do not hold residence permit in the UK, you need to make an application in the country of your origin. Please note, the applications from holders of UK tourist/visit visas (type C) will not be accepted.
  5. Healthcare insurance valid throughout the territory of the Member States and covering the entire period of the person's intended stay for the amount not lower than EUR 30,000. If you apply for a multiple-entry visa, it should cover the date of the first entry.
  6. Proof of  reserved return ticket to the United Kingdom, or proof of onward travel (if not returning to the United Kingdom), such as authorisation of entry into the country of destination, confirmed overseas ticket, proof of sufficient means to cover such costs.
  7. A proof of accommodation (for example, an official invitation or a hotel booking or reservation) or of sufficient means to cover the costs of accommodation. If relevant, such proof may be given through a proof of sponsorship by means of an official form (certificate of board and lodging).
  8. Nominative United Kingdom bank account statements covering at least the last three months and showing the balance.
  9. Credit card(s) and credit card account statement indicating the cardholder’s name and address. The statement must contain information on the monthly limit or the spending cap.
  10. If the applicant is financially supported by:
    • his/her spouse:
      a) a marriage certificate;
      b) the spouse’s bank account statements (see above); and
      c) a statement of will to support the spouse.
    • her/his parent(s):
      a) proof of family relationship, e.g. birth certificate;
      b) the parent(s) bank account statement (see above); and 
      c) a statement of will to support the applicant.
  11. Employees:
    • recent, official and signed letter from their employer with name, date of issue, address, contact details, position of signatory and registration number in the United Kingdom. The position and salary of the employee should also be indicated; and
    • pay slips for the last three months.
  12. Self-employed:
    • recent, official and signed letter from an accountant, banker or solicitor with name, date of issue, address, contact details, position of signatory and registration number in the United Kingdom, stating the nature of the self-employment or business ownership in the United Kingdom. The letter must also state the annual salary drawn from the company; and
    • self-assessment form edited by revenue and customs authorities.
  13. Students: 
    • recent, official and signed letter from school, college or university in the United Kingdom stating date of issue, name of the applicant, type of studies, number of lessons (hours) per week and attendance record.
  14. Minors (children below 18 years):
    • birth certificate; and
    • for minors travelling alone or with only one parent (exceptions are made if one parent has the sole custody or residence order for the child):
      a) original passports of both parents, or certified copy of the biodata page of the passports;
      b) proof of consent of parental authority or legal guardian; and
      c) British school certificate.
    • in the case of sole custody, the following documents must be submitted:
      a) birth certificate mentioning one parent;
      b) death certificate of absent parent; or
      c) court ruling.

Documents to be submitted depending on the purpose of travel

  1. Business:
    • an invitation from a firm or an authority to attend meetings, conferences, or proof of registration for events connected with trade, industry or work;
    • other documents that show the existence of trade relations or relations for work purposes; or
    • entry tickets or registration for fairs and congresses.
  2. Study or professional training:
    • a certificate of enrolment at an educational establishment (school, university, college, etc.) for the purposes of attending vocational or theoretical courses for basic and further training;
    • student card or certificate of the courses to be attended;
    • documents in relation to accommodation, or proof of sufficient means to cover the accommodation; and
    • internship agreement, if relevant.
  3. Tourism:
    • confirmed hotel booking for the full stay in the territory of a Member State or proof of sufficient means to cover accommodation during the intended stay; or
    • booking confirmation of a tour or any other appropriate document, such as the list of persons taking part in the tour.
  4. Private (family/friends) visit:
    • if no sponsorship form (see point I. 3.) has been presented: copy of the biodata page of the passport or residence permit of the host in the Member State if applicable and
    • proof of (family) relationship.
  5. Medical treatment:
    • an official document of the medical institution confirming the necessity of medical care in that institution;
    • proof of pre-payment of medical treatment; or
    • proof of sufficient financial means to pay for the entire medical treatment.
  6. Official delegations travelling on the basis of an official invitation addressed to the government of the third country concerned, to participate in meetings, consultations, negotiations or exchange programmes, as well as in events held in the territory of a Member State by intergovernmental organisations:
    • a letter issued by an authority of the third country concerned confirming that the applicant is a member of the official delegation travelling to a Member State to participate in the above-mentioned events, accompanied by a copy of the official invitation from the intergovernmental organisation in the Member State or 
    • a verbal note.
  7. Seafarers:
    • seaman’s book if applicable;
    • a recent, signed and official letter from recruiting company stating the name and rank of the seafarer and
    • vessel’s name, vessel’s arrival date in port and the date the seafarer joined the vessel.
  8. Lorry drivers:
    • a recent, signed and official letter from the national association (union) of carriers of the host country providing for international road transportation, stating the purpose, duration and frequency of the trips;
    • written request from the partner company based in the Member State;
    • driver’s licence for international transport and
    • way bill.
  9. Airport transit:
    • visa or entry permit for the country of final destination and confirmed tickets for the onward journey.

Additionally, when applying for a visa for a minor you should present:

  • An application form submited by you, the parent or legal guardian, on behalf of the minor.
  • Originals of parents' passports.
  • Original of a birth certificate.

If a child is entered in their parent's or a legal guardian’s passport, please submit a separate visa application. The visa will be pasted into the parent's or the legal guardian's passport.

Please note:

  • Usually, the above documents are enough to receive a visa, however, the consul may require additional documents.
  • Apply for a visa not earlier than three months before your planned journey.
  • The consul may, but does not have to, invite the applicant for an interview.
  • You may be banned from entering any of the Schengen States if you present forged documents or provide false information.
  • Receiving the visa does not guarantee that you will enter the Schengen area – the final decision is always made by the authorities of the country where you intend to cross the Schengen area border.

IMPORTANT! The Visa Information System (VIS) is used, among other purposes, for the exchange of data on visa applications and related decisions between Member States. As a result of having achieved full operational efficiency, the travel document of a foreigner applying for a Schengen visa is not stamped with a stamp confirming the admissibility of the application referred to in art. 20 of Regulation (EC) No 810/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of July 13, 2009 on the establishment of a Community Code on Visas (Visa Code).

How much does it cost?

79 GBP

The payment must be made on the day of submitting an application. We accept cash, debit card, postal order or cheque (made out to the Embassy of the Republic of Poland).

Schengen visa fee exemptions:

  • Children under the age of 6;
  • Researchers traveling to Poland for the purpose of carrying out scientific research, under the age of 25;
  • Spouses of European Union citizens (when requested documents are submitted);
  • Dependent children, under the age of 21, of EU citizens;
  • Dependent parents of European Union citizens;
  • Representatives of non-profit organisations aged 25 or less participating in seminars, conferences, sports, cultural or educational events organised by registered non-profit organisations.

Schengen visa fee reductions:

  • Children from 6 to 12 years old: 40 GBP

Visa fees for the nationals of Ukraine:

  • Airport transit and Schengen (C) visa: 79 GBP

Visa fee for express service (only available for nationals of BelarusUkraine and Russia): 61 GBP

The visa application fee is non-returnable, whatever the consul's decision. 

What is the waiting time?

The consul will make the decision on the visa within 15 calendar days. Exceptionally, the time to make the decision can be extended up to 30 or 60 days.  

How to collect the documents?

You should collect document in person. The documents may be returned to you by post – you are requested to submit a prepaid envelope, addressed Special Delivery in this case.

Visa decisions collection in person:

Monday 1:00pm-3:00pm
Tuesday-Friday 9:00am-11:00am
How to appeal?

If you have been refused a visa, you have the right to be informed about the reasons of this decision. If you do not agree with the consul's decision, you may ask to have your visa application re-considered. You must apply for the reconsideration in the office that issued the decision within 14 days of its delivery. 

​The application fee in this case is 70 GBP.

You have to book your appointment to apply for a visa via the e-Consulate system.

Revocation or annulment of Schengen visa

If you have received a decision to revoke or annul your Schengen visa that you do not agree with, you have the right to ask for a reconsideration. However, if you have applied yourself for your Schengen visa to be revoked and the consul has agreed, you are not entitled to appeal.

You should apply for reconsideration within 14 days of receiving the decision to annul or revoke your Schengen visa at the consular post that issued the decision. You have to book your appointment to apply for a visa via the e-Consulate system.

If you apply for reconsideration after your Schengen visa was revoked or annulled, you do not have to pay the consular fee.

Complaint about refusal to issue Schengen visa, decision to revoke or annul Schengen visa and the consul's activities in this respect.

If the consul who examines your reconsideration request, issues a new decision to refuse, annul or revoke your visa, which you do not agree with, you have the right to submit a complaint to the Provincial Administrative Court in Warsaw. The complaint should be forwarded through the consul who made the decision, within 30 days of receiving the decision taken as a result of the re-examination.

You do not pay a consular fee for submitting a complaint to the consul, but you have to pay fees for proceedings before administrative courts. Therefore, you have to note that the court will ask you to pay the court fee. More information on the amount of court fees when appealing with the administrative court, possibility to apply for an exemption from the costs and the language of the procedure, is available at:


List of documents required when applying for C-Type Schengen visa
List​_of​_documents​_required​_when​_applying​_for​_C-Type​_Schengen​_visa.docx 0.02MB