Reporting lost or damaged Polish ID card
Where to apply?
If you are abroad, report a lost or damaged Polish ID card immediately in a Polish consular office.
Do I have to apply in person?
Report a lost or damaged Polish ID card personally at a Polish consular office or in writing via post or via fax.
Fax numbers:
- London: +44 (0) 207 936 35 71
- Edinburgh: +44 (0) 131 551 71 35
- Manchester: +44 (0) 161 236 87 09
How to book an appointment?
You do not have to book an appointment.
What documents do I need to submit?
- A filled in report form for lost or damaged Polish ID card - the form can be downloaded below or is available at a consulate,
- an ID card – if you report its damage.
How much does it cost?
Making the report is free.
What is the waiting time?
The consul will accept your report of a lost or damaged Polish ID card immediately.
How to collect the documents?
If you report lost or damaged Polish ID card personally at a consular office, you will receive an appropriate certificate.
If you send a letter or a fax – make sure you state in the form that you want to receive the certificate, for example by post.
Keep the certificate – it may be useful. It remains valid until a new ID card is issued but no longer than 2 months.
IMPORTANT! The certificate you will receive at the consulate is not an identity document. Your ID card will be cancelled on the day you report its loss or damage with the consul.
How to appeal?
Frequently asked questions
Can I apply for a Polish ID card in a consular office?
The consul does not issue ID cards. A personal ID application form can only be submitted in any commune office in Poland.
I lost my passport and ID card and I have to return to Poland. Can the consul issue a document authorising me to cross the border?
In this case you can apply for a temporary passport. If you want to know what documents are required, go to the passport section.
Formularz zgłoszenia utraty lub uszkodzenia dowodu osobistegoFORMULARZ_ZGLOSZENIA_UTRATY_LUB_USZKODZENIA_DOWODU_OSOBISTEGO.pdf 0.07MB
Legal basis
Ustawa z dnia 6 sierpnia 2010 r. o dowodach osobistych
Rozporządzenie Ministra Spraw Wewnętrznych z 29 stycznia 2015 r. w sprawie wzoru dowodu osobistego oraz sposobu i trybu postępowania w sprawach wydawania dowodów osobistych, ich utraty, uszkodzenia, unieważnienia i zwrotu
The Consular Law Act of 25 June 2015