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Bogusław Wijatyk


Dyrektor Generalny Bogusław Wijatyk

phone: +48 22 623 15 57
fax: +48 22 623 12 00


1. ensures the Ministry’s operation, the conditions for its functioning, workflow and implements the HR policy of the Ministry on the basis and in the scope laid down by the Act of 21 November 2008 on the civil service (Journal of Laws of 2024, item 409);

2. performs direct supervision over the organisational units of the Ministry in the scope of proper execution of tasks established by the Minister;

3. performs the tasks of third-level disposer of the state budget funds in the parts: 32– Agriculture, 33– Rural development, 35– Agricultural markets and 62 – Fisheries;

4. establishes the tasks to be performed and supervises their performance on the matters covered by the scope of operation of the Security Department, Control and Audit Department, International Cooperation Department, Administrative Office, Office of the Director General and Finance Office, including in particular:

  • crisis management, civil defence and preparation of defence as part of the general defence obligation in the Republic of Poland,
  • operation of the of the information security management system,
  • ensuring compliance with the provisions on the protection of classified information and personal data protection,
  • controlling,
  • complaints, requests and petitions,
  • internal audit,
  • participation in the Common Agricultural Policy,
  • participation in the works of the European Union bodies and within the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), World Trade Organisation (WTO) and of the other international institutions,
  • bilateral and multilateral international cooperation,
  • administrative issues and technical service in the Ministry,
  • fire protection and occupational health and safety,
  • managing the information and communications technologies network,
  • awarding public contracts,
  • HR management,
  • organisation of the Ministry,
  • operation of the management control system in the Ministry,
  • project management processes,
  • financial and budgetary issues in the Ministry in the scope of the third-level disposer of the budget parts: in the parts: 32– Agriculture, 33– Rural development, 35– Agricultural markets and 62 – Fisheries.


Bogusław Wijatyk (54 years old), EngD

Graduate of:

  • Agricultural University in Poznań, Faculty of Horticulture, master’s thesis on the prevention of the negative impact of the KGHM “Żelazny Most” post-flotation reservoir (the largest tailings reservoir in Europe), supervised by prof. dr hab. Zbigniew Haber;
  • Fachhochschule Weihenstephan Friesing, Triesdorf, “Agrarmanagement” International Postgraduate Studies, the Examination Committee chaired by Prof. Herbert Ströbel, PhD;
  • Agricultural University in Wrocław, PhD thesis on EU Instruments intended for areas with unfavourable farming conditions, supervisors: prof. dr hab Barbara Kutkowska, prof. dr hab. Teodor Nietupski;
  • Wrocław University of Economics, “Modern Institutional Management” postgraduate studies;
  • University of Social and Economics in Gdańsk, “Master of Business Administration (MBA)” postgraduate studies.

Polish local government official, economist, manager. Bogusław Wijatyk worked at all levels of local government, from the gmina (Stronie Śląskie) through the poviat (Kłodzko) to the voivodeship (Dolnośląskie). In the Kłodzko Poviat, as part of international cooperation between local government units, he co-developed an agreement between the Kłodzko Poviat and the Gross-Gerau District. At the time of Poland’s accession to the European Union, he was the representative of the President of the Agency for Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture, responsible for the non-IT part of the Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS), necessary for the introduction of direct payments to farmers. For his services in this field, he was awarded the Bronze Cross of Merit of the President of the Republic of Poland.

Bogusław Wijatyk worked as an economist in the Economic Analysis of Agricultural Policy Section (SAEPR) of the Foundation for Assistance Programmes for Agriculture (FAPA), where he prepared, among others, market analyses as well as the assessment of: “Poland-EU Association Agreement” and the effects of international trade liberalisation under the Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA) (originally: Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, later other countries).

In the local government of the Dolnośląskie Voivodeship, he was responsible for the Rural Development Programme, Human Capital development, the environment, geology, regional and cross-border cooperation (the Czech Republic and Saxony). Above all, however, for the programme with a confirmed international reputation (ARGE – Vienna) “Rural Renewal” – an effective tool for educating adults from rural areas, used to reverse negative trends.

At the national and international level, as the only civilian in this position to date, he managed the NATO Security Investment Programme (NSIP) for Poland for almost 6 years. Expert in the field of the NATO investment process (including the construction one). Bogusław Wijatyk supervised the Military Property Agency based on the qualification of the Minister of State Treasury.

Member of the Maciej Rataj Political Institute, expert of the think-tank at the Chief Executive Committee of the Polish People’s Party (PSL), academic lecturer in economics. Author of publications in Polish and English.

