Dialogue with farmers is the guiding principle of our Presidency in the field of agriculture
– Dialogue with farmers is the guiding principle of our Presidency of the field of agriculture – stressed the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Czesław Siekierski, during a meeting with the Copa-Cogeca management.
Talks with Copa-Cogeca
Minister Czesław Siekierski, together with Secretary of State Stefan Krajewski, Undersecretary of State Adam Nowak and Director General Bogusław Wijatyk, met with Copa President Massimiliano Giansanti, Cogeca President Lennart Nilsson and Copa-Cogeca Secretary Elli Tsiforou. The talks were also attended by the President of the National Council of Agricultural Chambers Wiktor Szmulewicz, and Cogeca Vice-President Agnieszka Maliszewska.
Polish Presidency
Minister Siekierski strongly highlighted that an important message during the Presidency would be a strengthened dialogue with farmers.
In the opinion of the Ministry of Agriculture, one of the fundamental mistakes was the absence of dialogue, talks with farmers, with agricultural organisations and with the Member States. An exceptional example of this was the important negotiations of the Mercosur agreement, which were kept secret from agricultural organisations and even the Member States.
– From the past, lessons should be learnt for the future, and that is why the Polish Presidency of the EU Council will be based on a dialogue with farmers – added the Minister.
Minister Czesław Siekierski stressed that the major topics of the Polish Presidency included issues related to food security.
– It is necessary to improve agricultural incomes and the competitiveness of the agricultural sector. It is also important to open a discussion on the future of the Common Agricultural Policy and the appropriate budget allocated for its implementation – stated the Minister.
Among the planned projects, of importance is the vision of agriculture and preparation of recommendations for the European Commission as regards the future of the CAP, rationalisation of the Green Deal’s objectives and rural proofing, i.e. a mechanism for verifying the impact of other policies on rural development.
Copa Cogeca’s position
– It is very important to build a dialogue with farmers, particularly now that we are dealing with climate change and the consequences of the war in Ukraine – said Copa President Massimiliano Giansanti.
– Our farmers are not competitive, and products produced without the requirements imposed on EU farmers are imported into the Community market – added Giansanti.
At the same time, he appreciated the position of the Polish government, which at the end of last year clearly expressed its opposition to the EU-Mercosur agreement in its current form.
– We have many challenges related to climate and an uncertain geopolitical situation – added Cogeca President Lennart Nilsson.
In his opinion, what is needed is clear, simple rules and fair incomes that would allow farmers to invest and grow.
– I can see huge opportunities for the development of cooperatives in the Eastern European countries, but specific measures are necessary to support the cooperative movement throughout Europe – added the head of Cogeca.
– Today’s meeting is a very good example of dialogue. We want to cooperate very closely with the Polish Presidency – reassured Secretary-General of Copa-Cogeca Ella Tsiforou.
She also noted that she appreciated the consideration given to the economic aspect of agriculture, including issues related to the profitability of agricultural production.