05.03.2025 WarsawCommon Agricultural Policy for food securityThe European Union faces a range of challenges, including geopolitical tensions, climate change, energy transition, and global competition. In response, the Polish Presidency of the Council of the EU highlights the importance of multidimensional security, including food security.
27.02.2025 ParisAbout food security at the fair in Paris– We must ensure that food security continues to be increased for the growing world population. In the measures we take, we must remember about keeping a balance between environmental and climate goals and the appropriate level of food production – said Minister Czesław Siekierski during the SIA fair in Paris, at a ministerial session which was dedicated to global food security.
26.02.2025 BrusselsAgriculture and Fisheries Council in Brussels
21.02.2025 BrusselsBrussels: the opening of talks on the Oceans PactThe commencement of work on the European Oceans Pact was the objective of today’s high-level meeting in Brussels on fisheries and oceans. The meeting was attended by the Secretary of State Jacek Czerniak.
21.02.2025 BrusselsTalks with the Copa and Cogeca Presidia in BrusselsYesterday, the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Czesław Siekierski, met in Brussels with the Copa and Cogeca Presidia at the invitation of President of Copa Massimiliano Giansanti and President of Cogeca Lennart Nilsson. The Minister presented the priorities of the Polish Presidency in the field of agriculture. He also participated in a discussion with agricultural organisations from the EU Member States on building resilience and competitiveness of the agricultural sector.
13.02.2025 NurembergNuremberg: Polish national stand at the BIOFACH 2025 fairOn 10-12 February 2025, the Secretary of State Stefan Krajewski attended the BIOFACH fair in Nuremberg. The Deputy Minister participated in the official opening ceremony of the fair bringing together certified organic food and organic farming producers from all over the world and ceremonially opened the Polish stand organised by the National Support Centre for Agriculture.
12.02.2025 FalentyVisegrad Group: meeting of representatives of agricultural chambers– The Polish Presidency is open to dialogue with farmers – said the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Czesław Siekierski during the meeting of representatives of agricultural chambers from the Visegrad Group countries (GV4 – Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary), which was held on 10 February in Falenty. During the meeting, Minister Siekierski presented the priorities of the Polish Presidency of the Council of the European Union and discussed the key challenges facing European agriculture.
03.02.2025 WarsawTalks with the EU Commissioner for Trade– Food security depends on European farmers. It cannot be guaranteed by import – said today Minister Czesław Siekierski during a meeting with the EU Commissioner for Trade and Economic Security Maroš Šefčovič. The topic of the talks was trade relations with Ukraine and issues related to the EU-Mercosur agreement being drafted.
29.01.2025 BrusselsPolish Presidency chaired the first meeting of Agriculture and Fisheries Ministers in BrusselsThe Polish presidency presented its work programme, outlining its main priorities. The presidency will focus in particular on the following key topics: food security, improving the competitiveness of agriculture and the agri-food sector, increasing resilience to crises, stabilisation of farmers’ income, and strengthening the position of farmers in the food supply chain.
18.01.2025 BerlinThe Global Forum for Food and Agriculture: together for a sustainable economy and a world free from hungerThe Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA) is held during the International Green Week fair in Berlin, this year under the theme “Farming a Sustainable Bioeconomy”. The conference was attended by about 70 Ministers of Agriculture from all over the world, as well as representatives of many international organisations. Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Czesław Siekierski participated in the thematic session “Sustainably using biomass – Ensuring global food security”.