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Help for Ukrainian citizens

 If you are escaping from the armed conflict in Ukraine:

1. If you are escaping from the armed conflict in Ukraine, you will be admitted to Poland.

2. If you do not have a place of stay in Poland, go to the nearest reception point.

3. At the reception point:

you will receive more detailed information about your stay in Poland,
we will provide you with temporary accommodation in Poland,
you will receive a hot meal, drink, basic medical assistance and a place to rest. 

  • Dorohusk-Jagodzin

Suchodolski Palace Communal Culture and Tourism Center, ul. Parkowa 5, 22-175 Dorohusk - housing estate

  • Dolhobyczów-Uhrynów

Border Culture and Recreation Center, ul. Spółdzielcza 8, 22-540 Dołhobyczów

  • Zosin-Ustyluh

School Complex in Horodło, ul. Piłsudskiego 58, 22-523 Horodło

  • Hrebenne-Rawa Ruska

Primary School in Lubycza Królewska (back of the sports hall), ul. Jana III Sobieskiego 5, 22-680 Lubycza Królewska

  • Korczowa-Krakowiec

Common room, Korczowa 155, 37-552 Korczowa

  • Medyka-Szeginie

Sports Centre - Medyka 285, 37-732 Medyka

  • Budomierz-Hruszew

Primary School in Krowica Sama 183, 37-625 Krowica Sama

  • Krościenko-Smolnica

Former Primary School in Łodyna, Łodyna 41, 38-700 Ustrzyki Dolne

HOTLINE: +48 47 721 75 75