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Reuse of public sector information

Pursuant to the Reuse of Public Sector Information Act (Journal of Laws item 352, as amended), reuse shall be understood as the use by natural persons, legal persons, or organisational units without legal personality (users) of public sector information for commercial or non-commercial purposes other than the initial public purpose for which the information was generated.
Every person has the right to reuse public sector information:

  1. Made available in the IT system, especially at the Public Information Bulletin website for the Chief Pharmaceutical Inspectorate or in the central public information repository referred to in Article 9a of the Access to Public Information Act of 6 September 2001 (Journal of Laws of 2015.2058 and 2016.34), or in a different way;
  2. Provided upon the request for reuse.

The right to reuse is subject to restrictions within the scope and under principles specified in the regulations on the protection of classified information and other statutory protected secrets. The right to reuse is subject to a restriction on grounds of the privacy of a natural person or the secret of a business entity. This restriction does not relate to information on public officials related to the performance of their public functions, including information on the conditions of entrusting and performing the functions. The restriction also does not apply when the natural person or the business entity gives up their right. The right to reuse is subject to a restriction when it comes to information being public sector information the access to which is restricted based on other acts of law.

The said request can be sent:

  • by mail to the address: GŁÓWNY INSPEKTORAT FARMACEUTYCZNY, ul. Senatorska 12, 00-082 WARSZAWA, with the note “Wniosek o ponowne wykorzystywanie informacji sektora publicznego” (Request to reuse public sector information)
  • by fax to the number: (22) 44 10 702
  • by means of the Electronic Inbox (ePUAP)
  • via electronic mail to the e-mail address:

The request is examined without undue delay, however not later than within 14 days of the receipt of the request. If the request for reuse cannot be examined within 14 days, the obliged entity shall – within this period – notify the requester of the reasons for the delay and specify a date within which the request will be examined, which should be no later than 2 months from the day of filing the request.
Means of appeal
The Chief Pharmaceutical Inspector’s decisions to refuse information can be appealed against by the Requester, who can file a request for re-examination of the case by the authority within 14 days of the day of service of the decision. Within 30 days of the day of service of a decision issued in relation to the request for re-examination of the case, the Requester has the right to file – through the Chief Pharmaceutical Inspector – a complaint with the Voivodeship Administrative Court in Warsaw.
