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MFA statement on fake referenda in Ukraine’s regions temporarily occupied by Russian Federation


Statement MFA

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs clearly and strongly condemns Russia carrying out illegal “referenda” aimed at the annexation of parts of Ukraine’s regions of Donetsk, Lugansk, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson, temporarily occupied by Russia.

We call on the members of the international community not to recognize the legitimacy of the pseudo-referenda and their “results” as they by no means reflect the will of the people of these regions, often forced to attend the vote.

Actions taken by the Russian Federation, a permanent member of the UN Security Council, are a violation of basic principles of international law enshrined in the UN Charter. We strongly reject Russia’s claims to the territories remaining within Ukraine’s internationally recognized borders, including the territories of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, illegally occupied since 2014.

We call for bringing to justice all individuals involved in carrying out of the fake referenda as well as individuals and Russian institutions operating on the illegally occupied territory of Ukraine. Poland is determined to continue cooperation with its partners in this respect.

We support Ukraine’s independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity. We call on the Russian Federation to immediately cease its hostilities and instantly and completely withdraw Russian troops from the whole territory of Ukraine in its internationally recognized borders.

We will continue to support Ukraine’s efforts to liberate the territory temporarily occupied by Russia as long as it is necessary. Ukraine has a sovereign right to defend itself and regain full control of its territory.


Łukasz Jasina
MFA Spokesperson